You Will Feel A Whole Lot Better About Your Life After Seeing These Photos

Published on 07/11/2019

It is not something most people would admit, but we are sure you sometimes feel like there is truth in the saying that “Misery loves company”.

Youre Not Having A Bad Day Compared To These Unfortunate People

You Will Feel A Whole Lot Better About Your Life After Seeing These Photos

Take a look at the photos in the slideshow if you want to be thankful you are not in someone else’s shoes!

Not The Pizza

There is merit in working hard, but it is important to know when to call it a day. There are times when you want to head home, eat dinner, and collapse in bed. This woman was too tired to properly hold her pizza. Honestly, this is a good sign as any that she needs to go on a holiday as soon as possible.

Not The Pizza

Not The Pizza

When this happens to you, you lose your energy and your source of it. Perhaps you might even lose saliva along the way too. Maybe she should just opt for delivery next time.

Lending A Hand

The boy in the photo was only trying to make things right, although he ended up regretting his decision in the next moment. Life is unfair sometimes. Even when you do your best, life can mess with you.

Good Intentions

Lending A Hand

However, this does not mean you need to stop helping. You should always help whenever you can.

Looking In And Out

Wow, this looks pretty darn embarrassing. She only wanted to reapply her makeup, but she failed to check that there was no one inside the car. This driver helped her out in a way that surprised her!

Always Check

Looking In And Out

We have all been there before. There are times when we stop the moment we see our reflection and then fix our shirt or hair. When you do this, keep in mind that someone might be on the other side.

Locked Inside

If you are a veteran gamer, the sight of this puzzle probably excites you. Perhaps you even remember Rush Hour, in which you need to free the red car. However, this round is on a different level altogether. We bet you have never reached the real-life stage.

Locked Inside

Locked Inside

Math is not easy at all if you are pressed for time. What makes the game so thrilling is the opportunity to think things through for a little while.

I’m Melting!

This is a great photo if you need proof that the summer heat can get way too hot. Do you love your rubber duck? If so, you should keep it away from the dashboard. It might melt in the blistering heat.

I’m Melting

I’m Melting

We all know that car decorations often get shuffled around thanks to the constant movement. If you are annoyed by picking your duck up every single time it gets knocked over, this is a great way to keep it in place.

Not A Fair Fight

Which side are you on when it comes to humans vs. water? The latter is sure to win, that is for sure. This guy got a little cocky and attempted to reverse this truth. The outcome was funny but not surprising.

Very Unfair

Not A Fair Fight

Even though he learned by experience, you can learn from other people. Water is just more powerful than us, and that is all there is to it.

Mi Casa E Su Casa

This is proof that you should always make sure you lock the windows. You never know when someone is just waiting for the opportunity to strike. It seems like this fella here has taken over the master bedroom in the house! He even has the nerve to look surprised. It almost feels like the couple shouldn’t be there!

Mi Casa E Su Casa

Mi Casa E Su Casa

You can call him an unwelcome visitor, but he has already made himself so comfortable. Next time, it might be wise to first check the window and door. No one wants to find this guy inside the house.

Always Use A Belt

The whole SWAT team had been so focused on the mission that they failed to check what they fastened the cables onto. In this case, the guy here needs to know that he should always wear a belt. You never know when it will come in handy, after all.

Always Use A Belt

Always Use A Belt

The supervisor will be happy with your focus but what about your trousers? There are more important things than just pleasing your higherups, folks. Always remember that. Do not forget to check yourself no matter how serious things get at work.

Be Careful

Have you heard people say that nothing hurts like steeping on a Lego brick? We are guessing that those people have not experienced stepping on screws that stick out of the floor. Wood floors can be painful.

Be Careful

Be Careful

This is the reason that you should watch your step the next you are walking across wooden floors. There might be screws that you don’t notice. You know what will happen when you don’t watch out.

It Did Not End Well

This moment had the makings of a perfect photo. The weather was great, it was not too had, the beach held the promise of adventure. The ice cream was the cherry on top. However, someone else spotted it.

It Did Not End Well

It Did Not End Well

All of the people on the beach could feel the summer heat. It seems like it is not just humans who did, however. Next time, you might want to finish your treat inside the store. Birds want to cool down too!

Frozen Stream

Like we said earlier, water will always be stronger than us humans. This is true no matter what form it takes. When the temperatures go down, avoid parking below a stream. This is what might happen.

Frozen Stream

Frozen Stream

Let us hope that this guy did not keep anything important in the trunk. Cold temperatures can also make water heavier, so we hope that it is completely empty.

Spicing Things Up At The DMV

We are sure that it was a boring day at the DMV office. One employee wanted to make things a little more fun, which is how this license plate came to be. However, the girl does not seem all that amused…

Spicing Things Up At The DMV

Spicing Things Up At The DMV

The next time someone does this, we hope the car owner can roll with it. While it is not exactly ideal, this should get a chortle or two out of anyone with a sense of humor.

Waiting For A Long Time

There are times when your computer decides to update itself at an inconvenient moment. You will then have to busy yourself with something else, occasionally taking a peek to see if it is over. The owner of this computer soon noticed it was taking a little too long.

Waiting For A Long Time

Waiting For A Long Time

What was going on? It seems like operating system updates do not end at only 100%. Nope, it is exponentially higher than that. When will it stop? Who knows.

Drying As Quickly As Possible

Are you in a hurry to get your clean and dry clothes? You should know that there is such a thing as over-drying. However, the appropriate term here would be ‘burning’ instead.

Drying As Quickly As Possible

Drying As Quickly As Possible

There are people who use steamers. Some prefer the good, old-fashioned iron. At any rate, this method is a little less orthodox and much more dangerous.

Windowless Window Seat

Window seats can be awesome, mostly because they offer you a great view if you get lucky. This little fellow here was thrilled that he was assigned to one on his first plane ride. However, he was surprised by what he found…

Windowless Window Seat

Windowless Window Seat

It certainly did not meet his expectations. For starters, where on earth is the window seat? The air hostess can only do so much. She wasn’t the person to design the plane, after all.

Too Late

And here you thought you finally found the thing that will solve your problems in life. Unfortunately, it has just slipped through your fingers. Timing is important in life. Clearly, it was not on his side then.

Too Late

Too Late

We do not know how a pamphlet is supposed to help save us, but we would be willing to give it a shot. Who knows, maybe it can actually do wonders for us heathens.

Strike Two

If you are about to eat a sandwich for lunch, you will probably want to get some juice to go with it. Doesn’t that sound like the ideal meal at work?

Strike Two

Strike Two

However, the person who took this photo is unluckier than most. He is not only getting his food, but it looks like he lucked out with his drink as well. Maybe he should shake the vending machine…

Not Taken But Not Vacant

Who on earth planned the lockers in this school? It does not seem like the contractors gave it their all when they worked on it. This unfortunate student will have a hard time putting his things in there.

Not Taken But Not Vacant

Not Taken But Not Vacant

This is the first of a long list of challenges in school. Who knows, maybe there is a specific and understandable reason why the locker was set up this way. We doubt it, however…

Completely Unexpected News

Golly, we do not even know what to say about this mess. The two men thought they were already done with the most difficult part of their relationship. Let us just say they never saw this coming. Yikes…

Completely Unexpected News

Completely Unexpected News

What can we say? There is more than meets the eye. We hope that you and your significant other check whether you are related or not from the very beginning. This should make things less complicated.

Wedding Oops

The two of them were confident that they were going to have a spectacular wedding. They booked the perfect venue, and everything was happening as planned. Well, that was the case until the ring fell straight into the pond.

Bad Luck

Wedding Oops

While the venue seemed ideal in the beginning, they definitely had their doubts by now. That would have been an awesome time for a fish to bring it over to them. Sadly, life is not a fairy tale.

Messy Inside And Outside

It is bad enough to get a car crash no matter where you are, right? However, this guy has fared a much worse fate than most people in similar accidents. Why is that? Allow us to explain…

Messy Inside And Outside

Messy Inside And Outside

They had paint canisters inside the car when it happened, that is why. Do you think this situation is covered by insurance?

Surprise In The Pot

In general, nothing can beat a little surprise. We all love coming home to our favorite meal, right? However, this guy did not expect what he found inside the rice cooker.

Surprise In The Pot

Surprise In The Pot

Was his pet trying to sabotage his life on purpose? We don’t know. Next time, please keep the lid on.

Strong Magnetic Force

We know how dangerous this looks. This is the reason you should always remember that MRI scans are magnetic. It had been a bad idea to set down the huge metal crate next to it. We hope no one is inside!

Strong Magnetic Force

Strong Magnetic Force

It seems like doctors are right when it comes to this. Do not ignore any writing on the doors and walls!

Getting A Zebra Tan

Fashion truly has zero limits whatsoever. There are times when you can pull off a new look without even realizing it. We all know what a farmer’s tan, but it looks like the zebra tan is ready to take the crown.

Getting A Zebra Tan

Getting A Zebra Tan

You only need to wear ripped jeans and let the light do its job. Doesn’t it sound as easy as pie to you?

Nothing Like Her

When you are going through immigration, the airport personnel will have to check whether you are the person in the photo. Unfortunately, the woman in this photo shares one glaring difference with the photo in her passport. We bet she is happy when she is told she looks nothing like her photo!

Nothing Like Her

Nothing Like Her

Every one of us changes over the years. However, that does not explain what makes her photo so odd.

Before Jumping

Before you jump out of a plane, you should first check that the parachute is working fine and there is nothing inside your pocket. This guy failed to do the latter and dropped his keys somewhere no one can track. We doubt that you want to follow in his footsteps.

Before Jumping

Before Jumping

You should keep in mind that you should have nothing on you before you skydive. You do not want to end up on a rack thanks to your car keys.

Stuck In The Shower

Yikes, what a sticky situation! None of us enjoys getting looked in the bathroom, but it sounds even worse for people who get trapped inside the shower. This guy had to go through that. When it was time to step out after a shower, he had to get in touch with the maintenance guy while butt naked.

Stuck In The Shower

Stuck In The Shower

Was he even done with his shower when it happened? What bad luck! Oh well, at least he’s out now.

Stress Mess

Who would have thought that you should not use a stress ball when you are extraordinarily stressed? There is a limit to how much it can take. If you press it too hard, you end up with this mess.

Stress Mess

Stress Mess

It looks a lot like sauce, doesn’t it? If you are ever stressed, don’t take it out on the ball too much.

Beware of Loose Items

Here is proof that it is a bad idea to keep your toolbox open as you cruise down a highway. It is in the best interest of the person behind you to keep it good and shut. Their windscreen is in danger, after all.

Beware of Loose Items

Beware of Loose Items

If you want a clean windscreen, tools are not the way to go. There are certain items you can use to clean it, but this is not how you should go about it.

Food And Fire

Not every single one of us can cook very well, but this guy was on a completely different level! Can you imagine anything worse when you are already hungry to begin with?

Food And Fire

Food And Fire

Do you want to keep your food or your house? Apparently, it is possible to lose both at the same time.

Charging Yourself

This is not only sad but also very painful. We are out of words that can describe a moment such as this one. It is clear to us that he was not charging himself.

Charging Yourself

Charging Yourself

We doubt you know just how much pain this guy was in. Plug correctly! This is what happens otherwise.

Wear A Bigger Hat

He might know how important it is to wear a hat, but he was surprised to find out that it will not keep his whole head safe from harm. It certainly failed to protect his nape area from any sunburns.

Wear A Bigger Hat

Wear A Bigger Hat

Of course, he might have done this on purpose. However, we cannot think of any reason why he would want something like that.

Where Is He?

This little boy figured out the best hiding spot in the whole store. We hope someone helps out his dad, who has no idea where his son went.

Where Is He?

Where Is He?

If you want to win a round of hide and seek, you need to follow in his footsteps. The best place to go is somewhere you can watch the others. This kid clearly knows what he is doing.

The Door is Closing

if you have ever ridden the metro, you have probably heard of the phrase “please watch the closing doors” in the past. However, we are sure you have taken it for granted in the past. You shouldn’t.

The Door is Closing

The Door is Closing

See, this is what happens to someone who did just that. You don’t want this to happen to you, right?

The Magic of Skittles

Something about this photo makes it look unreal! Perhaps dreams are made of skittles. Unfortunately, there is nothing quite so dreamy when you have to clean up the mess you just made. Oops.

The Magic of Skittles

The Magic of Skittles

Skittles are only fun when they are controlled. The color can trigger stress if you are not careful either.

Google Maps Magic

Google Maps is the way to go if you do not know where you need to go. Who would have thought it can immortalize incredibly embarrassing moments as well? Take a look at this little fella below.

Google Maps Magic

Google Maps Magic

What a great capture! This was taken for the street view mode of the map. We had a good laugh at this.

A Little Too Close

It seems like some people were just born lucky! Had the rock rolled to the left by a little bit, the house in the photo would have been demolished. Whew. We bet they are glad they survived that.

A Little Too Close

A Little Too Close

They would not have felt the same way if the house was built on the other side of the wall.

Unwanted Guest

When it is Halloween season, you can expect kids to appear on your treat and say, “Trick or treat!” However, what will you do when you find this moose instead? He wants his candy too, apparently.

Unwanted Guest

Unwanted Guest

Well, we are sure you will hear a scream of the neighborhood kids when this happens. How interesting is this? Don’t forget to give him what he deserves.

Wild Ride

The Ferris wheel is not usually the scariest part of an amusement park. However, there is something special about this particular ride. It ended in disaster, as you can see here. We just hope that no one was inside that carriage when this happened.

Wild Ride

Wild Ride

Speed and fire do not make for a good combination. It is up to you whether you will stay or jump.

What The Pill Does

Folks, this is the reason you should always check that there is nothing on the keyboard when you close your laptop. Otherwise, you will end up damaging it in the same way he did. The pill is doing fine, but you cannot say the same thing for his computer.

What The Pill Does

What The Pill Does

Will the medicine give you the effect you wanted? It certainly had an effect, but not necessarily on the person. Oops. We would have been devastated.

Do Not Park There

There are hazards you want to avoid when you are parking. You would want to keep away from fruit trees in full bloom and telephone lines full of birds. However, there is not much to do about flying eggs.

Do Not Park There

Do Not Park There

Eggs are colorful and sticky at the same time. If you like yellow, eggs are the way to go about it. However, we wish you look at the next police check.

Terrible Friends

We hope that your friends treat you better than his friends treat him. You want to be around people who will help you in the time of your need. This guy soon figured out his friends weren’t so great.

Terrible Friends

Terrible Friends

Well, maybe they did not exactly abandon him. Who knows? Maybe they are just grabbing their shovels.

How To Lose Your Baggage

Did you have any idea that this might have been what happened when the airline lost your luggage? Wow. Its owner was probably waiting for it at the carriage for a while before realizing it was not coming.

How To Lose Your Baggage

How To Lose Your Baggage

Let us hope that this is not enough to ruin their vacation. We’re sure the airport staff will sort it out.

The Bloody Fountain

Whoa, what a scary fountain this is. You should probably stay as far away as you could unless you are planning to film a horror flick. You would not need to use special effects for some bloody water, after all.

The Bloody Fountain

The Bloody Fountain

We bet that horror fans adore it. This would surely make for a cool backdrop for a selfie if you ask us.

A Car In The Lake

Because of the GPS, the drivers of the car took the entire gang swimming. No one expected it, at any rate. This reminds us of that one episode in the Office when the crew drives into a lake thanks to the GPS.

A Car In The Lake

A Car In The Lake

Cars can swim as well. To be more accurate, it is still wading in the lake. Let’s hope they got out of there.

Not Unusual

Sunburns are nothing unusual when it comes to summer. However, a sunburn and a shaved head do not make for good combinations.

Not Unusual

Not Unusual

If you are bald, you might get a dent in the middle of your forehead just like this guy did. Don’t worry, it would not be permanent. It definitely looks a little weird, however.

Just Like A Massacre

This photo reminds us of a massacre. Upon closer inspection, it turns out that something wrong just happened in the laundry. See, this is the result of working a little too hard.

Just Like A Massacre

Just Like A Massacre

You need to keep an eye on the machine to ensure that nothing like this ever happens. Check on it regularly if you want to prevent this from happening.

Know-It-All Customers

Have you ever worked in customer service in the past? If so, you know how annoying it can be when guests think they know better than you do. Could this be what they thought self-checkout meant?

Know-It-All Customers

Know-It-All Customers

Self-checkout and self-service are cool options that can be convenient for both the customers and employees. However, do not argue with the cashier if you don’t go for these methods.

Always Use Handrails

We strongly recommend that you hold the handrails every single time. It is a good idea because it can totally help save your life. When you have to choose between the rail or your bike, go for the former.

Always Use Handrails

Always Use Handrails

This way, you can determine more about your fate. Up, down, left, right; it is totally up to you. If you want to stay on the safe side, you must hold on tight.

Fell Through The Glass

There is no way you can forget toast when there is something worth celebrating. However, we just hope your glasses are strong enough to let you do just that. We had no idea that this could even happen.


Fell Through The Glass

Toasts are, in general, made with good intentions. However, you should hold your glass in a certain way.

A Surprise Decoration

We all think that planes are incredible pieces of machinery that can take you from one part of the world in the next couple of hours. No one expected to experience something like this in the comfort of their home, however. We would be just as surprised as the people inside the home.

A Surprise Decoration

A Surprise Decoration

We are sure that they get every single question out there about their odd wall surprise. Do you think that is the real thing? It looks very real to us!

Not Done Yet

Did the park gate cross even when you have not yet gone out the whole space just yet? Well, you have no choice but to pay twice for both pieces. It’s annoying, right?

Not Done Yet

Not Done Yet

There is nothing you can do about it so you better just pay now. Step out for a bit and pay up, buddy.

Driving With All The Snow

You should always your car no matter what. After all, we doubt that you want to return to the parked vehicle and experience something like this! Next time, you should keep things closed before you go inside.

Driving With All The Snow

Driving With All The Snow

However, you can pretend you are a kid and have fun in your seat. Snow loves error as well! Who knows, you might be able to start your next adventure ten and danger!

Just For Children

It looks like this swing set was only made for the use of children. If you are older than that, you should just let the kids have fun. Otherwise, you might end up in the same situation…

Just For Children

Just For Children

We doubt that you hate swings. Every day that you complete a cycle, you only make the wood weaker, however. This kind of thing is meant for children, not people in their twenties.

Away At Work

Perhaps you left the repair company as you left in the morning to go to work. There perhaps they are not done yet. As she came home from work, she thought she was going to just kick back and relax. However, it looks like a sandstorm happened while she was away.

Away At Work

Away At Work

The sand was under the impression that it was finally going to be a part of the household. Sad news but she did kick.

Brown Icicles

Yikes, will you look at that roof? We know, those icicles look nothing short of disgusting. It probably happened because of squirrels living all the way up there. Let’s see what you can do about it.

Brown Icicles

Brown Icicles

There is never a lack of a stranger within or around the house. The person probably had to deal with furry neighbors from the roof. This is not something you will want to see every day.

Mistaken For Something Else

Did the marketing department of the beef stock company purposely make the packing look like it was almond milk? You should always pay attention when you are at the supermarket. Otherwise, you would not be able to make your milky coffee.

Mistaken For Something Else

Mistaken For Something Else

Drink your cup of Joe after taking a summer. This method is easier if you are planning to get it in the morning, of course.

Right Side Up

We would not pick this up just yet if we were you. There are times when this drops on the other side. We all feel satisfied when it falls on the right sight, right? How do we get it up without making a mess?

Right Side Up

Right Side Up

Picking it up is not the hard part here. How fast do you think you can do it?

Enough Words

In general, it does not matter if you keep your letter short as long as you expressed your feelings well. This message was extremely short, but it seems like the professor figured out what the student meant.

Enough Words

Enough Words

Do you think he sent a new email to clarify the first one? We are sure his lecturer would not mind expressing things some more.