Embarrassing Royal Wardrobe Malfunctions That Made Headlines
The Royal Family has power, fame, and money, and they are expected to be appropriately dressed and elegantly composed at all times. It is a well-known fact that the Queen has strict rules about what her family should wear and how they should act in public. Therefore, people are all the more amused to see moments when Royals experience some issues with their outfits and “lose their cool.” We have made a list of the times Royals tried their best to “keep calm and carry on” even though their clothes appeared intent on making fun of them!

The Price Tag
When Prince Harry and The Duchess of Sussex paid the Kingdom of Tonga a visit earlier this year, the cameras caught a little fashion faux-pas that Meghan made. Her gorgeous, coral dress by Self-Portrait is flawless in almost every respect, except the price tag which she neglected to remove. It can be seen dangling from her skirt. However, we can forgive her because it happens to the best of us, plus at this point, she was already newly pregnant with Archie.
Not Cinderella
The British Royal Family is not alone when it comes to the occasional wardrobe mishap. Denmark’s Princess Mary has had her share of wardrobe fails caught on camera, such as this “Cinderella moment” which happened during a public appearance.

Not Cinderella
When her shoe’s heel got stuck in the space between sidewalk slabs, the Princess did not bat an eyelash. She elegantly dislodged her shoe and put it on all by herself, clearly in no need of a prince to save the day.
Dress Takes Flight
Kate’s outfit had a run-in with the wind as The Duchess of Cambridge was getting out of a helicopter in Canada. It’s possible she didn’t quite think things through as she was choosing what to wear for the event since this lightweight dress by Jenny Packham is clearly not suitable for a windy situation.

Dress Takes Flight
Her skirt kept on floating up scandalously high. For much of the occasion, she desperately tried to hold her skirt down while she kept her cool and continued to greet the Canadian Air Force soldiers, who must have been pretty entertained!
Lightning-Quick Reflexes
It’s pretty rare to see the Queen acting anything other than utterly composed. Thus, when her hat nearly flew off her head during a welcoming ceremony with Oman’s Sultan Qaboos in Muscat in 1979, pictures of the incident made history.

Lightning-Quick Reflexes
Everyone was surprised by the Queen’s lightning-quick reflexes which enabled her to snatch her hat just in time and re-affix the accessory onto her head. We’re quite sure that the Queen has always used plenty of hatpins prior to venturing outside from then on!
A Night Of Mishaps
King Constantine of Greece celebrated his 70th birthday with a party and Queen Elizabeth II was in attendance. However, the Queen had no idea her outfit would suffer two unsightly mishaps that night.

A Night Of Mishaps
First, there was a giant stain on her dress. It is unclear how this happened but it probably threw her off her game because aside from this, her handbag’s chain strap ended up breaking, as well. Needless to say, however, the Queen kept calm and carried on!
Mortifying Trip-Up
The British Royal Family isn’t the only family with a penchant for embarrassing clothing moments. The trip-up of Queen Sofia of Spain may be among the most mortifying the world has seen.

Mortifying Trip-Up
In the year 2000, the Queen attended a state dinner. As she was making her way up the steps, she tripped over the floor-length gown she was wearing. Needless to say, the onlookers reacted to this unroyal moment, though the Queen got herself up gracefully.
Stuck In A Drain
There is plenty of evidence to support the idea that Kate Middleton loves fashionable high heels, but her footwear choices are occasionally not that practical. As you can see here, her stiletto heel became stuck in a drain while she attended a formal event and the incident was caught on camera.

Stuck In A Drain
Fortunately, Prince William was there to lend a hand and supported her weight while she worked on freeing the heel from the hole. Clearly, the Royal Family are masters of dealing with any sticky situation gracefully.
The Princess Bares All
Princess Beatrice raised some eyebrows when the lining of the beautiful blue lace dress she was wearing rode up under the top layer and exposed the similarly nude-colored shapewear that she was wearing underneath.

The Princess Bares All
Those who were present at the time barely even noticed, but the cameras’ bright flashes highlighted the wardrobe malfunction. Many of us regular folk would find this humiliating if it happened to us. However, for the Royal Family, they might have already gotten used to the whole world watching their every move.
The Case Of The Black Lace
Many wardrobe malfunctions are embarrassing, but some fashion blunders are more ambiguous. For example, Meghan experienced this black lace peek-a-boo moment when she attended the wedding of Charlie van Straubenzee and Daisy Jenks, two of her friends, which happened to be on her 37th birthday.

The Case Of The Black Lace
The Duchess of Sussex showed up looking flawless, though black lace scandalously poked out from her shirt. There has been debate whether this was intentional or not, but other pictures show the button closed, so we suspect it wasn’t really part of the outfit!
A “Marilyn” Moment
There is plenty to admire about Marilyn Monroe, but it appears quite inappropriate for a member of the Royal Family, known for being very prim-and-proper, to emulate the most iconic scene of the actress.

A “Marilyn” Moment
Kate Middleton’s “Marilyn Moment” stole the show scandalously at a memorial event which she and Prince William attended, which was probably quite humiliating! However, after years of being in the public eye, Kate seems to have become a pro at dealing with wardrobe malfunctions just like a true lady.
The Stitch
Obviously marrying a member of the Royal Family comes with plenty of perks, though it also gives the whole world a chance to nitpick every part of your outfit. When Harry and Meghan traveled to Birmingham in March of 2018, the Duchess of Sussex sported a J. Crew coat which perfectly matched Harry’s outfit.

The Stitch
Unfortunately, Meghan made a rookie mistake – she did not remove the tailor’s tack, which is the X-shaped stitch that holds the slit closed and is supposed to be removed. In spite of this major fashion blunder, the coat sold out just hours after she wore it.
Getting Exposed
It is not just the Royal Family’s women that the wind seems to have a big issue with, the men are also victims of the tricks it plays. In this situation, Prince William was caught in quite an embarrassing position when his coattails were blown up by the wind and he was exposed from a not so flattering angle.

Getting Exposed
Needless to say, someone caught the moment on camera and the image quickly went around the web. Awkward moments should not be limited to the women of the Royal Family and the men should have their fair share too!
Double Save
Camilla became part of the Royal Family late in her life, but she has become well-integrated since she got married to Prince Charles in 2005.

Double Save
It seems that she has also gotten the same wardrobe-mishap training which the rest of the Royal Family received, and it was useful on this particularly windy day. In an instant, she was had to choose between holding down her skirt and saving her hat. Quite impressively, she succeeded in somehow doing both actions at the same time!
Sheer Problems
The tabloids had a field day over this pretty revealing outfit, and it’s not difficult to see why. Every time she does not follow a Royal fashion rule, The Duchess of Sussex makes headlines.

Sheer Problems
This semi-sheer skirt from Givenchy which revealed her panty line made people wonder – has she gone too far on purpose, or was it an outfit mishap? Most have concluded that despite how daring Meghan’s choices can get, it was impossible for her to have intentionally gone this far – meaning this, in fact, was one massive fashion “oops!”
Yet Another Win For The Wind
The public, as well as the paparazzi, got an eyeful of Kate’s long legs when she was caught off guard by the wind at the Place2Be Forum, which was held at the Clifford Chance offices in Canary Wharf in 2013.

Yet Another Win For The Wind
Her skirt seems to have ridden up underneath the navy blue coat she was wearing and without her realizing it, so her gams could be seen while she was receiving a bouquet of flowers. Yet another win for the wind and another Royal embarrassment caught on film.
Hopelessly Tangled
While it’s true that the outfits of men are often much less complicated than those of women, there is the occasional exception. Prince Charles fell victim to a clothing mishap – his gloves got hopelessly tangled.

Hopelessly Tangled
Fortunately, his wife Camilla gave him a hand. Kate Middleton can be seen trying to laugh it off in the background. Perhaps after having encountered so many clothing mishaps of her own, she was relieved to see someone else fumble for a change.
Impressive Royal Skills
It is a known fact that Kate Middleton pushes Royal fashion rules by appearing in public in an assortment of looks that are more eclectic than traditionally expected that Royals would sport.

Impressive Royal Skills
In most cases, Kate elegantly pulls off the fashion choices she makes, but they can sometimes pose issues relating to practicality. The knot on the wrap dress she was wearing almost came undone in public, and Kate was seen discreetly retying it while she kept her head up and pretended nothing was wrong. Some pretty impressive Royal skills, if you ask us!
Too Long For Comfort
Meghan Markle stepped out sporting these insanely long pants, and she was going for a fashion statement. However, a line has certainly been crossed when your trousers are so long that the bottoms are dragging on the floor, gathering dirt.

Too Long For Comfort
It’s even crazier that she is wearing high heels … and these pants still drag through the mud! If you are a member of the Royal Family, there is no excuse in having clothes that don’t fit right.
Hiking Up
Kate Middleton is an avid sports fan, so she has appeared at various sports-related events in different parts of the world. This means we can see her in various casual looks compared to other members of the Royal Family.

Hiking Up
However, this is one casual look which went awry and required a belt. Kate might not have enjoyed the sporting match that she watched so much since she was seen hiking up her ill-fitting jeans many times that day.
Busted Shoes
The wedding of Daisy Jenks and Charlie van Straubenzee wasn’t only eventful for Meghan’s wardrobe, but also for Prince Harry’s shoe.

Busted Shoes
That’s right, he was walking around in some busted shoes… while attending a wedding! That’s rather shocking, but it also makes Prince Harry more relatable. After all, who hasn’t experienced this kind of love for a pair of shoes ever in their lives?
Plastic Problems
Meghan Markle looked almost perfect when she met the Irish prime minister. The Duchess of Sussex wore a forest green Givenchy outfit which she accessorized with a chic Strathberry leather bag.

Plastic Problems
However, she appears to have a little repeating problem as she often seems to forget to take off the tags when she buys some new dress or purse. If you look closely, the plastic protectors that are attached to the bottom of her bag are still there. Oops!
Wear The Other Way
Since Kate Middleton joined the Royal family, she has turned into a fashion icon, sporting some inspiring fashion which women all over the world attempt to emulate. Looking at this outfit at first glance, you would think it is a hit, but there’s a catch…

Wear The Other Way
As it turns out, her purple Gucci blouse should be worn another way – buttons at the back, bow at the front. However, if there’s one person who could wear something the wrong way yet still look flawless, it’s Kate Middleton.
Wedding Wardrobe Malfunction
Before Kate and Meghan even started breaking Royal Fashion rules, the “Princess of the People,” Princess Diana, was already doing it and did it well. She broke quite a few royal rules, and she notoriously ruffled the feathers of the Royal Family with a lot of her decisions.

Wedding Wardrobe Malfunction
When she got married, Diana wore some pretty outrageous getup, complete with an endless train and huge sleeves. Unfortunately, the wind kept blowing her veil right into her face.
British Culture
This is another moment when we all saw that no matter how powerful and famous someone is, everyone is only human. Princess Di is one of the most beloved and widely recognized Royal Family members ever, and she was the picture of composure when her skirt billowed up while attending a memorial ceremony.

British Culture
This is another example of members of the Royal Family embodying the “stiff upper lip,” something the British culture is pretty known for.
Serious Trouble
Kate Middleton likes paying tribute to Princess Diana by the wardrobe choices she makes, and this Catherine Walker dress is a perfect example – she was one of the favorite designers of Princess Di.

Serious Trouble
However, no matter how classy the outfit was, it gave Kate some serious trouble as she was making her way down the steps during a visit to New Zealand in 2014. Kate was carrying baby Prince George in her arm and needed to choose between keeping her skirt down and holding the handrail. Even Prince William looked pretty concerned!