40+ ‘Friends’ Easter Eggs That Casual Watchers Might Have Not Noticed

Published on 08/27/2023
40+ 'Friends' Easter Eggs That Casual Watchers Might Have Not Noticed

40+ ‘Friends’ Easter Eggs That Casual Watchers Might Have Not Noticed

Friends has surpassed its 10-year runtime, captivating audiences since its 1994 premiere and concluding in 2004. Even today, countless fans continue to indulge in this timeless series, now available on streaming platforms like Netflix. The show has garnered a new generation of viewers who were too young during its glory days. Whether you’re a devoted fan or just starting their journey, there are bound to be hidden gems in the show that you may have missed. Are you a true Friends aficionado? Test your knowledge and see if you’ve spotted these minute details in the series!

Cheeky Burglars

Cheeky Burglars

Alright, let’s begin with an easy one. If you’re a fan of the iconic TV show Friends, you’ll surely recognize the dry erase board that hangs on Chandler and Joey’s door. This board serves as a means for them to leave funny and quirky messages for each other, as well as share other silly and random content that brings laughter and joy to their lives as roommates in New York City. In The One With the Cat, Joey and Chandler got robbed of all their stuff when Joey tried to sell his hand-built entertainment unit. If you notice, the burglars left a cheeky note on the dry erase board thanking the duo for all their stuff.

The iconic couch

Have you ever wondered how it can be that the gang – Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe – would always be sitting on that iconic orange couch in Central Perk, the beloved café in the heart of New York City’s Greenwich Village? Many customers walk in every day, savoring piping hot cups of coffee, and engaging in lively conversations, yet somehow, no matter how bustling and lively the café gets, there’s always an open space on the cozy couch, beckoning them to create memories and share laughter together. It’s as if that couch itself holds a magical aura, inviting the friends to gather, unwind, and navigate the highs and lows of life, forging an unbreakable bond that will withstand the test of time.

The Iconic Couch

The Iconic Couch

Well, if you have a sharp eye, you’ll notice that there’s a “Reserved” sign on the coffee table every time the friends hang out there. It looks like they’ve reserved that couch indefinitely! That’s why no one else has sat on it, except for that one episode where the guys get bullied.

Ross’s birthday

Throughout the ten-season run of the show, we witness numerous birthday celebrations for each character. However, an intriguing question arises: do we really know the exact dates of their birthdays vast expanse of writing across hundreds of episodes sometimes leads to slight inconsistencies or inaccuracies, as the challenge of maintaining perfect continuity persists. Nonetheless, this merely adds to the allure and unpredictability of the show’s storyline.

Ross’s Birthday

Ross’s Birthday

For example, when exactly is Ross’s birthday? In one episode, he tells Gunther his birthday is in December. However, in another episode, he tells Joey that his birthday is October 18th. So which one is it? Did David Schwimmer, who played Ross improvise one of these?

Gladys’s wardrobe

Do you remember Phoebe’s ghoulish artwork, which she so lovingly named Gladys? It made its bewitching appearance in Season 10, Episode 6, “The One With Ross’s Grant,” when Monica and Rachel found themselves in a spine-chilling dispute over who would be the unfortunate owner of this hair-raising horror painting. The hilarity and eeriness that ensued during their battle for possession will always be remembered.

Gladys’s Wardrobe

Gladys’s Wardrobe

If you notice, Gladys made a couple of wardrobe changes in the episode. She was wearing red at one point but blue in another shot. It seems that the wardrobe designers on Friends had more to dress than just the cast!

Breaking character

There is no doubt that the natural hilarity exuded by the Friends cast, coupled with the witty humor in the script, creates an abundance of uproarious scenes. As we, the audience, find ourselves uncontrollably laughing at the on-screen antics, it’s interesting to note that even the cast members themselves occasionally struggle to stifle their laughter while filming. This phenomenon becomes particularly evident in a specific scene, where the infectious sense of mirth overcomes the actors and adds an extra layer of charm and authenticity to the final product.

Breaking Character

Breaking Character

As Phoebe obnoxiously “Eeee”s to Ross’s bagpipe playing, Jennifer Aniston struggles to keep a straight face in the periphery. She clearly breaks character by laughing here in a futile attempt to cover up her face. In a recent interview, Matt LeBlanc shared that if Jen covered up her face, she was probably breaking character!

A long gestational period

In the later seasons, we are taken on a journey as we witness Rachel’s unexpected pregnancy. The tale begins with an adventurous backpacking trip on Mount Tibidabo. However, keen observers might have noticed that Rachel’s pregnancy seemed unusually long. For those who are still uncertain, let’s delve into the timeline and explore the details further.

A Long Gestational Period

A Long Gestational Period

We find out that Rachel is pregnant at Chandler and Monica’s wedding in the summer. This would have placed her due date around February. However, in episode 22 of that season, Rachel complains about it being 100 degrees outside. We can infer that this means it’s already summer again, but she’s still pregnant!

Sitcom crossover

We all know that Phoebe, the eccentric and free-spirited friend, has a less than pleasant twin sister named Ursula. Throughout the show, Ursula tends to make sporadic appearances, inflicting havoc and grief upon Phoebe. In one of the episodes from an earlier season, Joey and Chandler stumble upon Ursula, to their surprise, working as a waitress at a bustling restaurant they decide to visit. The encounter adds an unexpected twist to the storyline and sparks curiosity about the dynamics between the quirky sisters.

Sitcom Crossover

Sitcom Crossover

Many might not know that at that point, Lisa Kudrow was also working on the show Mad About You, where she played waitress Ursula Buffay. This was why the writers incorporated Phoebe’s twin sister into the show to create a convincing backstory. It was sort of like a crossover!

Which apartment?

Fans with an astute eye for detail would have observed that the number on Monica’s apartment door underwent an intriguing transformation during the course of the series. In the early episodes, the prominent “Apartment 5” signage adorned the door, signifying the abode of our beloved characters. However, as the story unfolded, a subtle yet notable change occurred, with the number on the door magically transitioning to “Apartment 20.” This intriguing alteration adds another layer of curiosity to the already captivating world of Monica’s apartment, leaving fans in awe of the show’s meticulous attention to even the minutest of details.

Which Apartment

Which Apartment

While we don’t know the reason behind this unusual change, it’s quite a necessary one. The view depicted from Monica’s balcony implies a high-rise apartment that wouldn’t have looked that way from apartment number 5. Apartment number 20 seems more appropriate for that view.

The chick and the duck

Joey and Chandler’s feathery friends, the pet ducks, make quite a notable appearance throughout the show “Friends”. With their amusing antics and endearing presence, these lovable ducks not only provide company to the two guys but also serve as a source of entertainment for the whole gang. In one memorable incident, their mischievous nature inadvertently disrupts Rachel and Joshua’s date, adding a hilarious twist to the storyline.

The Chick And The Duck

The Chick And The Duck

However, they seemed to disappear without a trace as the seasons rolled by. There was never any mention of Joey or Chandler giving them away. It was only said in passing that the chick and the duck were “on a farm” now.

Rachel’s birthday

Just it was with the continuity of Ross’s surprise birthday, where the cake mysteriously disappeared and reappeared, the writers also got Rachel’s birthday mixed up. It seems like an honest mistake, though, considering the complexity of keeping track of all the intricate details of each character’s lives over the span of ten years filled with laughter, tears, and unforgettable moments. But hey, that’s what makes the show so relatable and endearing to fans worldwide!

Rachel’s Birthday

Rachel’s Birthday

In one episode, Rachel tells Gunther her birthday is on May 5th. But further along in season 7, when a cop pulls Rachel over, he says she’s an Aquarius. We’re not experts in astrology, but we’re pretty sure May birthdays are Taurus!

The potato

The group of friends have indulged in a delightful assortment of cakes, scones, muffins, and cookies at Central Perk. Surprisingly, the baked goods at this establishment are as scrumptious as their coffee! However, there was one hilarious incident where the cake display failed to feature an actual cake. It just goes to show that even in the most beloved coffeehouse, unexpected moments of humor can occur.

The Potato

The Potato

In one of the episodes, Joey and Gunther are seen conversing over the counter, where a cake display sits in between them. However, instead of a cake under the cover, it’s just a raw potato! This was probably one of those sneaky pranks they played on set.

Multitalented Estelle

Joey’s beloved agent Estelle Leonard has truly made her way into our hearts. Undeniably, she might not be the best agent and her track record with landing Joey promising gigs is questionable. However, it is her sheer fiery personality that encapsulates why we all adore her. Estelle’s quirks and unyielding spirit have effortlessly endeared her to us, making her an unforgettable and cherished character in the hearts of fans.

Multitalented Estelle

Multitalented Estelle

June Gable, the actress who played Estelle, was multitalented. She took on more than just the role of Estelle. She was also the feisty nurse who helped Carol deliver her and Ross’s baby! Did you notice it was her? There’s nothing like hair and makeup to transform an actor into a completely different person!

Susan Sarandon’s slap

In The One With Joey’s New Brain episode, renowned actress Susan Sarandon made a memorable guest appearance. She portrayed Jessica Lockhart, a prominent star in the fictional show Days of Our Lives, in which Joey also starred. Lockhart was renowned for her signature slaps, adding an extra level of drama to the series. Sarandon’s cameo brought excitement and entertainment to the beloved sitcom, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.

Susan Sarandon’s Slap

Susan Sarandon’s Slap

You may not know that the girl she slapped on the Days of Our Lives set was actually Sarandon’s daughter, Eva Amurri! What is more meta is that Amurri’s character was also the daughter of Sarandon’s character. Mind = blown.

The timeline mix up

Throughout the seasons, Friends has featured numerous flashback episodes that provide glimpses into the characters’ pasts. Notably, we see Monica before her weight loss and Rachel prior to her nose job. However, an inconsistency arises in the timeline when Rachel’s first encounter with Chandler is portrayed multiple times. This raises questions about the continuity of the storyline and the accuracy of the chronological events depicted in the show.

The Timeline Mix Up

The Timeline Mix Up

Unless there’s some sort of Friends multiverse we aren’t aware of, this may just be the writers forgetting what they’ve written. After hundreds of episodes, we can understand this mistake. Rachel met Chandler for the first time over Thanksgiving when they were all in college, and it seems to happen again in a later flashback episode.

Joey’s ATM PIN

Although Joey was often depicted as the less intelligent friend, we firmly believe he possesses considerable street smarts. instances have demonstrated his astuteness, such as when he contacts Phoebe after forgetting his ATM PIN. Surprisingly, 5639 is not merely a random sequence of numbers. Joey’s hidden intelligence continues to surprise us, challenging preconceived notions and showcasing his unique abilities.

Joey’s ATM PIN

Joey’s ATM PIN

When you look at the keypad on a phone used in the 90s, before the QWERTY keyboard existed on mobile phones, the letters 5639 spell out JOEY! If he used this to help him remember his PIN, it definitely backfired.

Breaking character, part 2

Jennifer Aniston wasn’t the only one who couldn’t keep a straight face on set. Matt LeBlanc was caught on camera breaking character too. In an iconic moment from “The One With the Worst Best Man Ever,” he hilariously tries to hide behind David Schwimmer. The genuine chemistry and camaraderie among the “Friends” cast always added an extra dose of laughter to the beloved sitcom that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

Breaking Character, Part 2

Breaking Character, Part 2

Despite being almost out of frame, there is no missing that Matt was struggling to stop bursting out in laughter. We can’t blame him either because David Schwimmer was ridiculously funny in that scene! We’re surprised Matthew Perry didn’t break.

Ross’s views on ice cream

Ross is undeniably a nice guy, with strong opinions attributed to his role as a passionate paleontologist. However, when it comes to ice cream, his viewpoints become a tad uncertain. Despite that, it’s these contradictions that make him all the more intriguing. Ross’s unwavering stance in his beliefs serves as a reminder of his dedication to his profession, even if his taste in frozen desserts remains a subject of debate.

Ross’s Views On Ice Cream

Ross’s Views On Ice Cream

In season 7, Ross says that he’s not into ice cream because “It’s too cold.” But in many episodes prior to and following that, he is seen digging into ice cream. Character preferences like these are hard to keep track of, and if you’re not one for details, you may miss this inconsistency.

How did they afford all that?

Many have criticized and questioned how the characters in Friends could afford their extravagant lifestyles given their jobs. A quick glance at their spacious apartments may lead one to believe they’re all wealthy 20-somethings in New York. However, let’s not forget that it’s a TV show, and sometimes reality takes a back seat to storytelling and creating an idealized world for the audience to enjoy.

How Did They Afford All That

How Did They Afford All That

To be fair, Monica’s apartment was rented from her grandparents. But it’s Phoebe’s living situation that has people wondering. She can afford a grand place for a masseuse and an unpaid coffee shop singer! And it’s located in Greenwich Village, no less.

A hidden message

The creative team of Friends collaborated to weave easter eggs into the show’s scenes. This next one highlights a rather specific detail that, unless you’re well-versed in American Sign Language, you might have overlooked. Keep an eye on Ross’s shirt in this particular scene – you won’t want to miss it!

A Hidden Message

A Hidden Message

The design on it is ASL for the word “friends.” It’s pretty meta when you think about it, but it’s so niche that nobody will get it unless they understand ASL. Even then, they’d still miss it if they weren’t paying attention!

Rachel’s surname

True Friends fans will know that Rachel’s full name is Rachel Karen Greene. However, there has been a debate about the correct spelling of her last name. Initially, viewers believed it was spelled as “Green” like the color. But in a later season episode, it was revealed that the correct spelling is “Greene” with an ‘e’ at the end. The revelation left fans pleasantly surprised and added another layer to Rachel’s character.

Rachel’s Surname

Rachel’s Surname

When Ross and Emily fought over inviting Rachel to their wedding, we saw Ross about to mail an invitation to Rachel. Rachel’s surname is spelled “Greene” on the envelope with an “e.” Was this an honest mistake, or have we believed the wrong thing for decades?

Who was Ross’s first time?

Ross and Chandler have been inseparable best friends since their college days, building a bond rooted in trust and unwavering support. Throughout the years, they have shared and safeguarded each other’s deepest secrets. Amongst these, one secret revolves around Ross’s first intimate experience. While fans believed Carol to be his first, a surprising revelation in a later episode proved otherwise, challenging their assumptions. Friends, with its clever storytelling, always kept viewers guessing!

Who Was Ross’s First Time

Who Was Ross’s First Time

When the gang was exposing each others’ secrets in season 7, Chandler divulged that Ross slept with the cleaning lady at their dorm. This would have been in college, before Carol and Ross even started dating. Guess it wasn’t Carol after all!

One big family

In June of 1999, Courteney Cox, known for her role as Monica, tied the knot with actor David Arquette. Going forward, she embraced his last name, resulting in a change in the credits of Friends as well. To commemorate this union, the show put together a heartwarming tribute, adding a touch of sweetness to the celebration of their marriage.

One Big Family

One Big Family

Instead of just adding “Arquette” to Courteney’s name, they decided to add the name behind all the other cast members’ credits too! This switch-up may have confused many viewers. We even thought there was a glitch in our TV when we first saw it!

It’s a family affair

Remember that episode on Friends when Rachel and Joshua went to his parents’ house, thinking they were in Europe? It was so awkward for Rachel, showing up to dinner in lingerie. However, what made that episode truly special wasn’t just that moment. It was the hilarious and heartfelt interactions among the entire cast that made it memorable and kept us coming back for more.

It’s A Family Affair

It’s A Family Affair

Joshua’s parents turned up halfway through their date, and they couldn’t have been more lovely. But did you notice something familiar about Joshua’s dad? Well, that’s actually Matthew Perry’s father, John Bennett Perry! Like father like son, both are charming and handsome.

Who’s that on Rachel’s passport?

While props are essential to the believability of a show, it’s also crucial to get them accurate. Otherwise, people might have trouble believing the story. Unfortunately, this was the case in the episode where Rachel was about to fly to France.

Who’s That On Rachel’s Passport

Who’s That On Rachel’s Passport

Here, she hands her passport over to the guy at the counter at the airport. But did you notice something? It’s a “blink and you miss it” moment, but the woman on her passport is definitely not her! Whose passport did she even hand over?

Joey’s long-running ad

In episode 9 of season 1, Joey is shown on a poster for VD and suffers the consequences of being shunned by his family over Thanksgiving. The signs end up everywhere, and he couldn’t even pick up a girl at the station.

Joey’s Long Running Ad

Joey’s Long Running Ad

However, this wasn’t the only episode where Joey’s VD posters show up. In the episodes following, the posters can be seen outside in the streets. It wouldn’t make sense if the signs were just there for a day and then disappeared.

FDNY tribute

Friends aired for ten seasons, during which several disastrous world events happened, the most fatal being the 9/11 attacks. The show couldn’t just keep quiet, so they did a tribute in the best way they knew how – Easter eggs.

FDNY Tribute

FDNY Tribute

As homage to The New York City Fire Department, which risked their lives to rescue those in the towers that day, show creators would leave easter eggs of the FDNY logo in the shots. This can be seen on Joey’s shirt and the dry erase board at Chandler and Joey’s.

Double trouble

Even though Friends isn’t an action series, the cast members still have body doubles on set. This is mostly for post-production purposes, and it’s not an uncommon method. But sometimes, even in editing, they fail to create the illusion completely.

Double Trouble

Double Trouble

You can see Courteney Cox over Lisa Kudrow’s shoulder in this particular series of shots. But when the image switches to Monica’s point of view, you know that it’s not Courteney Cox! Did you realize this, or were you too immersed in the scene to pay attention?

All the Huggsys

Joey’s favorite penguin doll Huggsy made his first appearance in season 9 when Rachel’s daughter Emma developed an unhealthy attachment to it. But Huggsy isn’t just a new addition in that season. If you notice, he’s been around for a while.

All The Huggsys

All The Huggsys

In previous seasons, you can see Huggsy in the background in some of the shots in Joey’s apartment. Check him out chilling on the couch behind Monica here. It’s apparent that Joey has always had an affinity for that penguin.

It’s another family affair

Matthew Perry’s father wasn’t the only parent making an appearance on the show. They also used Jennifer Aniston’s personal life details in the show in an Easter egg way. Did you know that “Aniston” isn’t actually Jennifer Aniston’s last name?

It’s Another Family Affair

It’s Another Family Affair

It’s Anastassakis! If that sounds familiar, it’s because it was the wedding that took place at the same time as Monica and Chandler’s. The actress’s father had a Greek surname, later anglicized into “Aniston.” This was how the show hinted at that.

Double Rachel

Courteney Cox wasn’t the only actor on the show with a body double. Jennifer Aniston also had one. And, just as was the case with Courteney’s double, they failed to properly remove the double from the shot! Did you clock this one?

Double Rachel

Double Rachel

In season 9, we switch shots and see that they had replaced Jen Aniston with another person! Did you realize this? They didn’t even try to get the double to wear the same clothes in this shot. Maybe this is the woman whose picture was in Rachel’s passport!

The hole in the wall

Because Friends was a sitcom that aired in the ‘90s, it was presented in the 4:3 aspect ratio of most TV screens in those days. However, as televisions increased in size and display quality, viewers began to see set secrets which they once cut out because of the old aspect ratio.

The Hole In The Wall

The Hole In The Wall

In today’s age, where televisions display an aspect ratio of 16:9, we see a complete view of what was on set. As we can see here, there’s a random hole in Joey and Chandler’s apartment wall, which was never seen before!

Monica’s boxes

The following detail is only for the sharp-eyed to see in the episode where Joey is cast as Al Pacino’s body double. As Joey shoots his scene, you can see a pile of boxes behind the director on the set. One of them reads “Monica’s.”

Monica’s Boxes

Monica’s Boxes

How this box made its way here is beyond us. This seems to be the box ruined by the flood when Ross and Monica went back home to gather their stuff from their parents’ home. What was this box doing here?

The laundry photo

Who can forget the episode where Joey desperately tries to get his picture on the wall of his local laundry? He got into a heated argument with the dry cleaner, fighting for his place on the wall of fame, even mentioning the movie Air Force One.

The Laundry Photo

The Laundry Photo

The dry cleaner claimed that he had never seen the film. Here’s what’s meta about this—the actor who played the dry cleaner was also an actor on Air Force One! His name is Ilia Volok, a Ukrainian actor who has appeared in many more films.

Casual cameos

Friends has seen its fair share of cameos. The star-studded cast has worked alongside Hollywood A-listers of the time. Everyone from Julia Roberts, and Reese Witherspoon, to Bruce Willis has guest-starred on Friends at some point. (We love you, Bruce!)

Casual Cameos

Casual Cameos

Sometimes the cameos would somehow be related to the characters and wholly unacknowledged. For example, we know that Ross and Joey were massive Die Hard fans. However, nobody batted an eye when Bruce Willis acted as Elizabeth’s dad in the show.

Where did Phoebe’s mom go?

In season 3, we learn that Phoebe’s biological mother is actually Lily Buffay’s best friend, Phoebe Abbott. This threw a wrench in Phoebe’s backstory, and she is seen being so upset that she refused to see her “mother,” Phoebe Abbott, again.

Where Did Phoebe’s Mom Go

Where Did Phoebe’s Mom Go

However, throughout the show, there ceased to be any mention of her until one of the episodes, where Phoebe says her mother sent her a family heirloom. It seems the two patched things up, but it was never clear what happened to Phoebe Abbott.

How old is Ross exactly?

In addition to the perplexity around Ross’s birthday, there’s also bewilderment concerning his age. While we know the Friends are in their 20s and witness a few celebrating their 30th birthdays, Ross’s age remains an enigma. Is he already in his 30s, or perhaps nearing his 40s? The answer to this dilemma continues to elude us, adding to the intrigue of our beloved character’s timeline.

How Old Is Ross Exactly

How Old Is Ross Exactly

In season 3, Ross refuses Chandler’s tasty milkshake offer with the excuse, “No thanks, I’m 29.” However, two seasons later, Ross complains that he doesn’t want to be divorced twice before turning 30.  Was he 29 for three whole years?

The One Where Chandler Can Very Well Cry

Among friends, Chandler stands out as the sarcastic one, using humor as a defense mechanism. Due to his bitter past, he tends to conceal his vulnerable emotions. In fact, there’s a whole episode dedicated to his inability to shed tears titled “The One Where Chandler Can’t Cry”. Chandler’s wit and guarded persona contribute to his unique character dynamics within the group.

The One Where Chandler Can Very Well Cry

The One Where Chandler Can Very Well Cry

But as we see in these few screenshots, Chandler is pretty in tune with his emotions. He’s seen crying on several occasions and not even trying to hide it. After saying he’s “Not a crying kind of guy.” Chandler, we’re calling your bluff!

The capuchin

No discussion about Friends is complete without acknowledging Ross’s mischievous pet capuchin, Marcel. Not only did Marcel cause plenty of trouble for the characters on the show, but the real capuchin portraying Marcel also gave David Schwimmer a hard time during filming. In addition to making a mess, the mischievous monkey occasionally disrupted the comedic timing, adding an extra layer of challenge to the production process.

The Capuchin

The Capuchin

Despite all this trouble, you can’t deny that you really felt how Ross cared about Marcel throughout the episodes. Did you notice that when the cast sent Marcel off to the zoo, Ross was wearing a lapel pin in the shape of a banana?

Chandler and the bathroom door

One of the most iconic Friends episodes features Julia Roberts as Susie, Chandler’s former classmate and bully. A bathroom encounter unfolds, leading to a hilarious mishap that leaves Chandler stranded, completely nude, in the men’s restroom. The combination of star power and comedic timing makes this episode a fan favorite.

Chandler And The Bathroom Door

Chandler And The Bathroom Door

Or, supposedly entirely naked. Chandler was supposed to be wearing Susie’s underwear, but that still doesn’t explain how he could walk out of the restaurant scot-free. Even the bathroom door wouldn’t have covered him up entirely, underwear or not!

Monica’s closet

We all know Monica has a closet down the hall from the bathroom. It’s always closed, seemingly serving no purpose except for that one episode where the friends speculate about what lies behind the door. But have you ever noticed the mysterious shadow lurking nearby, adding to the intrigue and unanswered questions surrounding that hidden space? It’s these subtle details that make us ponder the secrets of Monica’s closet.

Monica’s Closet

Monica’s Closet

The door always seems to cast a weird shadow on the floor. We guess that since this was a set on a soundstage, the shadow was probably cast by lighting equipment set up right behind that door. But who knows? Maybe Monica was indeed hiding Richard there all along.

The prominent ‘Jouets’ poster

If you’ve watched Friends as much as we have, you totally get it. Monica and Rachel’s iconic apartment is incomplete without this poster in your mind. It’s French, but its true significance eludes most. It adds that extra je ne sais quoi to the atmosphere, a subtle nod to the show’s cult following. Cherish this little piece of TV history that only the dedicated truly appreciate. #Friends #TVshow #PopCulture

The Prominent ‘Jouets’ Poster

The Prominent ‘Jouets’ Poster

Well, the truth is that it was an ad poster for a popular toy. A rocking horse, to be precise. That said, we think it fit perfectly with the aesthetic of the girls’ living room, and we can’t picture it without the poster. It hid a camera often used to film scenes from that angle.