So often the value of a handbag or purse is underestimated. And for many women leaving the house without one is simply unheard of. Not only do they come in numerous different styles and designs but are actually one of the most useful things when it comes to carrying daily essentials. We’ve all had that frustrating moment when you’re nowhere near home and need something so important. To help you avoid future frustrations like these, we’ve put together a list of essential items that everyone should always carry in their handbag.

Essential Items You Should Always Carry In Your Handbag
Hand Sanitizer
This one is probably one of the most important items we should all be carrying with us, especially during the current times. Not many people realize but we all come into contact with so many germs, whether it’s from the public bathroom, the office doorknob, or in the elevator. Unfortunately, we don’t always have immediate access to soap and water, so anti-bacterial hand sanitizer is the next best thing. There are many small and compact hand sanitizers available that are so convenient to carry in any type of bag or purse.
Okay, we’re not saying you need to carry a fully stocked first aid kit everywhere you go, although it is always handy. We do however recommend that carry a few useful tablets such as painkillers, antihistamines, and even ant-diarrhea pills. You never know if you or someone else might just need these. We all know there’s nothing worse than have the misfortune of being stuck with a nasty headache and not having anything to relieve the pain. Additionally, for people who are taking prescription medication, it’s a good idea to keep those with you too.
A Small Pack Of Tissues
Even if you don’t have any allergies, a pack of tissues will also come in hand. Whether it’s to clean a runny nose, a nasty food spill or simply to wipe your hands, these are definitely a must-have in your handbag. So many people actually underestimate how useful tissues really are. Take our advice and thank us later.
Breath Mints
This next essential item is purely needed as you just never know when you might need them, so the best is to have them with you at all times. Because you never just know who you might run into after you’ve eaten the most delicious garlic-soaked fish dish. So, in order to save yourself from feeling embarrassed simply keep a few breath mints in your handbag.
Portable Phone Charger
We all know there is nothing worse than feeling completely lost when you just left the house and then realize your phone is just about to die. One of the best ways to keep your phone fully charged all day is pretty easy – just carry a portable phone charger in your bag. Gone are the days where people can go for hours without being able to be contacted. Additionally, for safety reasons its important to make sure your cellphone is fully charged.