They exist- these people who always seem satisfied, no matter what is going on around them. Even seriously ill or very poor people sometimes exude a great satisfaction that makes a great impression on us. What makes some people lucky and not others? Research has been dealing with this question for a long time. We now know: happiness can be trained. These are the 5 most effective insider tips from happy people:

5 Ways To Become A Happier Person
Enhance Social Relationships
There are several studies that point out the importance of human social relationships and their effects on health and happiness. In fact, some suggest that those who have optimal social relationships are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease. Studies showed that close relationships with family, friends and the surrounding community are the single most important factor in making people happy. But it’s not just about the connections themselves, it’s also about how we spend time with them, giving them attention and care throughout our lives.
Express Gratitude
A 2005 study developed at the University of Pennsylvania by Martin Seligman, director of the Center for Positive Psychology, found that writing down three things one is grateful for at the end of the day along with the Things you’ve been through can help improve happiness and reduce the severity of depression. This may be because the mind focuses on the positive aspects of life rather than the negative ones. By reflecting on the circumstances under which positive aspects occurred, we can repeat these experiences or better reflect that emotion. On the contrary, if we focus on the negative and evoke a thoughtful thought about it, we can create depression.
Be Kind To Yourself
Many people are too strict with themselves, they are judging themselves to harshly. Check off the past, focus on the present by experiencing feelings and find an inner supportive voice that can help us move forward – we have to focus on that. It is probably the most complicated thing, but it is certainly necessary to achieve happiness.
Positive Surrounding
It makes a huge difference who you deal with. Happiness and joie de vivre are just as contagious as pessimism and bad mood. If you want to be a lucky person yourself, you should spend as much time as possible with happy, cheerful people. On the other hand, you shouldn’t let people who make you feel bad and steal your energy again and again so close to you.
Appreciate Moments Of Happiness
Happiness doesn’t always come with a big bang. You can find it in many little moments every day. Happy people can recognize these moments of happiness. You perceive a beautiful sunset, enjoy an evening with friends with full senses, sink into music or a novel or smell flowers. They feel grateful for what they have and are allowed to experience. And that increases satisfaction: Regular little moments of happiness quickly add up to great happiness.