About 15-20% of the population is highly sensitive. This means that they perceive stimuli from their environment much more than others. This psychological and neurophysiological phenomenon leads to extreme stressful situations in the everyday life of those affected. But there are tips to reduce stress at work.

High Sensitivity: 5 Tips That Make Life Easier
Give Structure To The Day
Over stimulation of the senses in our day-to-day professional life can hardly be avoided. But what about highly sensitive people whose nervous system sounds the alarm much earlier? They usually feel stressed earlier and it takes longer for them to regenerate. Giving the working day a clear process and content structure is a great help for highly sensitive people in order to prevent unnecessary hectic. Getting up at the same time in the morning and going to bed in the evening is also part of it, as are fixed meal times and break times. When you get to the office, you should start in the morning with the most important task that you defined the night before.
Rely On Mono Tasking
It has been scientifically proven that not multitasking but monotasking, i.e. sticking to one thing step by step, leads to significantly better results. But what does that mean? How can you adopt this way of working? The good news is that just as you got into the habit of multitasking, you can break it again. Turn off sounds that announce incoming mail and set a specific time when you want to work on a task without interruption. Afterward, treat yourself to a treat, perhaps a cup of tea or a phone call with someone pleasant to talk to.
Use Breaks For New Strengths And Energy
Treat yourself and your nervous system to one long and several smaller breaks throughout the day. During this time you can relax all your senses. During the lunch break in particular, you retract your antennas and switch to standby mode. After a light, healthy snack, you’re looking for a place to refuel. Maybe that’s possible in a nearby park
Reduce Meetings And Invitations
Communication at work is very important and also a nice change in private life. However, highly sensitive people often take on too much because they want to please everyone and do not consistently select what is really important. Saying “no” protects against additional stress and the resulting over stimulation. Allow yourself to set a limit with no when you are reluctant to say yes. Remember, saying yes to an invitation despite exhaustion means saying no to your needs. So be careful not to say no to yourself when you say yes to others—otherwise you will lose out.
A Well-Planned Evening Makes It Easier To Start The Morning
Plan your end of work in good time and get an overview of what you cannot complete due to time constraints and what you will continue to work on tomorrow. Now define the six most important tasks on your to-do list and prioritize them. With this trick you give your subconscious a clear order to become active in your office-free time. That means you already have good ideas ready when you start work the next morning.