Belly fat is one of the hardest areas to lose that fat, we all wish it was as easy as baking the muffin to lose the top. We’ve heard it all before it’s all about nutrition and cardio. However, there are a few things you seriously must avoid in order to cut those extra inches. Yes, it’s all about balance but just as much as it is about a healthy lifestyle around. These foods should be limited as they make a huge difference around the belly area however, we are firm believers in moderation.

3 Foods To Avoid To Lose Belly Fat
This tasty carbohydrate is amongst the worst for belly fat. It has been proven in studies that potatoes contributed to an astounding 2.97-pound average weight gaining- combining potato chips and normal potatoes. Potatoes are a starchy carbohydrate that turns into sugar when processed through the body- this in turn usually tells your body to store the sugar, resulting in fat. Just a little belly in case of emergency. A study showed that dieters limiting carbs lost 10-pounds more than those that did not limit the delicious food group.
Sweets and Soda
These two are simply trouble, delicious but trouble. Besides offering no nutritional value or benefit for your body, sweets and soda are broken down through bodily processes into gas. This gas makes you feel heavy, bloated and even bigger. There are great alternatives to curb hat sweet tooth- fruit is a suggestion.
High Sodium Foods
This one works both ways and has caused much controversy for professionals. Salt causes the body to produce more water, in turn, this act can boost weight-loss. On the other hand, studies proved that this caused individuals to crave more foods and have a heartier appetite. Salt for some reason motivates individuals to continue eating even after they are way past full. So, be careful with the salt ladies and gentlemen.