Airplane Turned Into A Home By This Creative Man

Published on 10/22/2018

No Easy Job

He makes sure to mow the grass every week and to yank the weeds lying underneath the aircraft. He does this to ensure that his home is always presentable. It might sound rather tedious, though it certainly seems like Campbell will not let anything get in his way.


No Easy Job

No Easy Job


Upcycling Is The Way

During an interview conducted by the Daily Mail, he revealed why he was such a strong believer in upcycling airplanes by turning them into homes. He answered by emphasizing the wide array of environmental benefits that come with this endeavor. He has also explained that they were ideal shelters during natural disasters as they are durable and strong constructions. They would definitely weather through storms, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

Upcycling Is The Way

Upcycling Is The Way