Airplane Turned Into A Home By This Creative Man

Published on 10/22/2018

Strength Or Ergonomics?

Campbell believes that the traditional rectangular house is substandard as architects and designers often design for ergonomic needs. The strength is often overlooked. He explained, “To me it makes no sense at all to destroy the finest structures available and then turn around and build homes out of materials which are fundamentally little better than pressed cardboard, using ancient and inferior design and building methods.”

Strength Or Ergonomics

Strength Or Ergonomics


What’s Possible

There have been a number of people who asked Campbell if the airplane crash-landed in the area and he simply decided to reconstruct the body. It seems like he does not like those questions! For him, they are very illogical, insulting, and unreasonable things to ask.

What’s Possible

What’s Possible