Texas Man Converts Old School Bus Into A Luxury Tiny Home

Published on 11/28/2018

No Power Steering

Michael experienced a few set backs along the way. One of them was when he got stuck in mud, which messed up the bus’s power steering. He later said begrudgingly, “You have any idea how hard it is to try and parallel park a 40-foot school bus with no power steering? I do.” During the renovations, he also realized that if he planned to live there full time, he would need to install new installation to help keep the inside temperature regulated.

No Power Steering

No Power Steering



Michael suffered a few setbacks along the way, but another reason for this was because Michael bought the bus so cheaply. So over time, her realized that the bus needed more work than he thought. He later found out that a big reason why it was being sold for such a bargain price at an auction was because the engine and steering power on the bus all needed to be fixed or changed. He said “Changing a tire on this thing was more expensive and less fun than I had thought it would be.” Nevertheless, he still didn’t let this stop him.

Worn Out

Worn Out