It’s All In The Family- Celebrities And Their Look-Alike Children

Published on 12/17/2018

Robert Downey Jr. – Indio Downey (24 Years Old)

When you think of Captain America: Civil War, star Robert Downey Jr. “devoted dad” is probably not the first phrase that comes to mind.  He’s certainly one of Hollywood’s highest-paid actors, but he’s also had his fair share of challenges with drugs and the law.   It was quite a shock when Downey congratulated his son Indio Downey for his sobriety via social media.  Indio and his dad share more than just a talent for the arts.  Sadly, they both have suffered from drug addiction.

Robert Downey Jr. - Indio Downey (24 Years Old)

Robert Downey Jr. – Indio Downey (24 Years Old)


Pierce Brosnan – Isabella Sophie Smith (5 Years Old)

James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan became a grandfather in 1999 when Isabella Sophie Smith was was born to his daughter Charlotte.  Isabella Sophie shares an uncanny resemblance to her grandfather as a youngster.  Sadly, Charlotte’s mother Cassandra never met her granddaughter.  Cassandra died of ovarian cancer in 1991, the same disease that also took Charlotte’s life in 2013.  Although she lost her mother as a teenager, Isabella now 19 remains close to her grandfather.

Pierce Brosnan - Isabella Sophie Smith (5 Years Old)

Pierce Brosnan – Isabella Sophie Smith (5 Years Old)