Boy Encounters Odd Sea Creature That Brushes Against Him At The Docks

Published on 07/30/2020

Joel Became Famous

It was already known around the village about Joel’s befriending a stingray. The young boy really became pretty famous. Many had enjoyed it when they heard the one of a kind story about him. It seems that for so many years, it was the first time in the history of Vueltas Village. Kids are asking Joel if they could join him during the morning routine, and even fishermen came to offer the boy a box of fresh shrimp to feed his friend. And Joel was pleased about what was happening.

Joel Became Famous

Joel Became Famous


Giving Food To The Stingray

Stingrays are purely carnivorous, and, like most carnivores, they like to eat animals smaller than themselves. In particular, they like to eat animals that live on or beneath the sand like worms, clams, oysters, snails, and shrimp. A la carte for stingrays is small fish and Squidoo.

Giving Food To The Stingray

Giving Food To The Stingray