Meet The Most Powerful Military Vehicles In Existence Right Now

Published on 07/05/2021

FLYPmode Patrol Vehicle

The FLYPmode Patrol Vehicle is now going through operational testing, although it will allegedly be helpful when it comes to rapid deployment. The car has nearly the same protection offered by a light MRAP. Despite this, its visibility, speed, and maneuverability are all significantly better. The creation by DARPA is going to be affordable, adaptable, and modular. We expect it to go into service in two years.

FLYPmode Patrol Vehicle

FLYPmode Patrol Vehicle


Fed Alpha Armored Car

When the HUMVEE had to be replaced, this was one of the early contenders for the throne. The Fed Alpha Armored Car is being used to show possible combat designs. This came with a hybrid engine and became known as a fuel-efficient armored vehicle that uses up 70 percent as much gas as a Humvee but with the same speed, cargo capacity, and armor protection. This is unique since it has a built-in solar panel that is ideal if you want to recharge it on the go.

Fed Alpha Armored Car

Fed Alpha Armored Car