Rougheye Rockfish – Up To 205 Years
In all fairness to the rockfish, it has been blessed with amazing genes. This explains why it can live even longer than a century. They mostly reside in the deep waters of the North Pacific. They only start having children by the time that they are 25 years old. The mothers get better with age since the robustness of the offspring improves as she grows older. Sadly, overfishing tends to wreck rockfish populations. The good news is that they can survive up to 205 years when they are left alone.
![Rougheye Rockfish – Up To 205 Years](
Rougheye Rockfish – Up To 205 Years
Bowhead Whale – Up To 211 Years
The bowhead whale lives in the Arctic Ocean and boasts a huge mouth. It is actually known as the creature with the biggest mouth, which takes up a third of its body. The truth is that estimates of old animals are normally based on a single specimen, but the bowhead whale has shown us that it is capable of outliving us many times in the past. One bowhead whale was believed to be 211 years old, but the average is anywhere from 135 to 172 years old.
![Bowhead Whale – Up To 211 Years](
Bowhead Whale – Up To 211 Years