These Food Items Belong In Your Diet If You Want A Healthier Heart

Published on 11/12/2018


Grapefruit does not only look good but it tastes great as well. This refreshing fruit is bursting with heart-healthy nutrients. The super fruit is jam-packed with potassium, fiber, vitamin C, lycopene, and choline. All these nutrients make the grapefruit one of the best fruits to improve your heart health as it aids in keeping your heart nourished. The fruit is even suggested in the DASH diet which was made to maintain good heart health and lower the blood pressure levels.




Green Tea

Drinking green tea can be a great way for you to calm down and relax. It is also an effective thirst quencher at any time of the day. This fantastic herbal drink is overflowing with powerful antioxidants that have been proven to give you a lot of health benefits. Green tea stops plaque from building up in your arteries. In addition to that, it has components that lower LDL cholesterol levels and harmful triglycerides. This means that regular consumption of this beverage greatly contributes to a healthier heart!

Green Tea

Green Tea