These Food Items Belong In Your Diet If You Want A Healthier Heart

Published on 11/12/2018


Spinach is famous for being the source of Popeye’s super strength. He might have used it as his natural fuel because he knew something that most people did not! Did you know that a cup of spinach gives you a total of five times of your daily dose of Vitamin K? This leafy superfood aids in building stronger bones and preventing blood clots from forming on the arteries’ walls. It is overflowing with lutein which is good for your eyes. Spinach also has potassium and fiber which helps prevent the development of heart disease. In the long run, it will definitely boost your heart health.





Using strawberries is usually one of the ways of sweetening up your dish. You add it to your breakfast or snacks, blend it into a smoothie, or turn it into dessert. It is definitely everyone’s favorite fruit. This sweet super fruit is bursting with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals like folate. In addition, strawberries are low in calories and a great fat burner. Many studies have shown that this red super fruit widens the artery’s walls. This means that by regularly eating strawberries, plaque buildup can be prevented. It also means that eating strawberries is a great way to keep your heart healthy.

