These Food Items Belong In Your Diet If You Want A Healthier Heart

Published on 11/12/2018


Do you love blueberries? If so, you have all the more reason to love this superfood. Blueberries contain plenty of anti-oxidants and nutrients. A lot of research has been conducted proving the health benefits of blueberries. By eating at least three servings of blueberries a week, you can reduce cholesterol build-up. They protect your arterial walls from plaque build-up as well. Furthermore, this delectable super fruit can help remove some cancer-causing agents from your body and lower the risk of developing heart disease.





Beets are overflowing with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These purple superstars come with betaine, a plant alkaloid. They also contain B-vitamin folate that vastly improves your health. Beets are wonderful additions to any salad. They are not only tasty, crunchy, and sweet, they also lower the risk of developing heart disease. Plenty of studies have shown that they greatly strengthen organs by enabling them to effectively fight off fatal illnesses like cancer.

