Can You Believe That These Incredible Inventions Actually Exist?

Published on 08/28/2019

Laser Bike Lane

Do you go to work by riding your bike? If so, we bet one of your worst nightmares is for a motorist to not see you and get too close for comfort. The bike light below shows a “bike lane” for motorists, so they can be aware of how close they are to you. The bright LED lights should give you peace of mind on your way home from the office!

Laser Bike Lane

Laser Bike Lane


Face-Lift Tightener

This might look a little naughty, but the lip-shaped mold is used to “fight wrinkles around your eyes and help shape the overall look of your face”. If you have no idea how it works, here is what the instructions said: “The Face Slimmer is a simple solution to the timeless problem of how to give sagging facial skin and muscles that much-needed daily lift. Just 3 minutes per day is all you need, pop in the mold and then make mouth movements. The makers recommend you say vowel sounds ( AEIOU ) out loud over and over again, producing regular and methodical exercises that will strength the twelve facial expression muscles in a comprehensive way.”

Face Lift Tightener

Face Lift Tightener