It Is The Most Recognizable Landmark In History
When it made its debut in 1889, it was also the world’s tallest building at 1,000 feet high. The plan was to take it down ten years later, but it was used as radiotelegraph station in WWI.
The Eiffel Tower lived through both world wars because Hitler’s order to take it down did not happen. The structure gets 7 million visitors each year, which makes it the most visited monument in the world!
San Franciscans Wanted A Bridge
There was a public demand to connect San Francisco metropolis to its northern neighbors. Joseph Strauss was an engineer who hailed from Chicago. He started building the Golden Gate Bridge in 1919.
There was some opposition to its construction from the civic leaders and business owners. They said the bridge would interfere with the natural beauty of the bay and hinder the shipping industry. These people were also afraid it would not survive natural disasters.