Homo Floresiensis
Denisovan’s genes quickly spread. The discovery of its spread suggested that the Denisovans might have been more extensive than their few remains would confirm. Scientists think that the fossils that were only ten thousand years old might also be some Denisovans. Some of them might have wandered around the world and might have tried mating with some Neanderthals and some other ancient species that scientists could not identify accurately. They may be the hobbit-like, Homo floresiensis – these types of hominins were bipedal and walked way different from other modern humans.
Neanderthals Has The Same DNA With Africans
Excitingly, some DNAs of Neanderthals showed up in the DNA of Africans. This DNA provides enough evidence that the two species moved from one place to another, settled and mated with each other – the two waves theory of human migration. Some original migrants from 200,000 years ago probably met, mated, and interbred with Neanderthals before returning to Africa. Even before the Neanderthal ancestors’ discovery by the Princeton scientists in 2020, the Africans thought that they didn’t have any interbred migrants. The above picture shows a beautiful little African girl.