Since she has been wrestling for quite some time now, Paige is no stranger to the limelight at all. She only recently admitted that she is bisexual, however. She is a cast member of Total Divas, which is a reality show that follows the lives of pro wrestlers. In one episode, she let the whole world in on something big about herself. When Rosa Mendes, another LGBTQ wrestler, kissed her, she said, “I feel like it’s ok to do these days. It’s like the 21st century.” When Rosa asked her if she had been with other girls in the past, this was what she answered: “Well yeah, it’s the 21st century — I just said that.”

Mike Parrow
We daresay that no one knows how to do a 180 in life better than Mike Parrow does. Among other things, he has appeared in a number of All Japan Pro Wrestling events. He assumed that he was straight for the longest time. When Good Morning Britain talked to him, here was what the popular athlete told the host: “I tried to cure my homosexuality.” He eventually accepted himself for who he was and took it several steps further. As an ode to his personal journey, his wrestling outfit now comes with glints of the rainbow. We hope that his incredible story can help people who are in the same boat!
