Prolong Your Car’s Life By Doing These Easy Fixes

Published on 08/03/2021

Another Kitty Litter Hack

Another brilliant kitty litter hack is to keep it in a sock on your dashboard. This may seem counterintuitive, but it will keep your windshield from fogging up. This is, without a doubt, a serious suggestion. Ask around in some forums if you don’t believe us; they’ll tell you the same thing.

Another Kitty Litter Hack

Another Kitty Litter Hack


Need To Keep Things In Place? Use Command Hooks

Let’s say you need a place to put your purse, bag, or mask to keep it from flying around. Hanging a command hook at floor level is the best option. As a result, everything you need is within easy reach, and everything is neat and tidy. Keep this tip in mind at all times, and your car will never be short on space.

Need To Keep Things In Place Use Command Hooks

Need To Keep Things In Place Use Command Hooks