Vinegar To Defrost Your Windows
This hack will be useful for people who live in areas where the winters are bitterly cold. If you’ve had to defrost your car in the morning, it’s no laughing matter. Why don’t you give it a shot? Believe us when we say that it works! Combine vinegar and water instead of pouring water on your windshield. Then, in a spray bottle, combine everything and squirt it on your windows. The vinegar aids in breaking up the ice faster, and you can use a spray bottle to apply the mixture evenly to avoid icy patches blocking your view.

Vinegar To Defrost Your Windows
Get More Gas From The Pump
Despite the fact that it appears to be a simple task, there is a better way to pump gas than going full throttle. Bubbles will form in your tank if you just press the gas pump all the way down, fooling the nozzle into thinking it’s full. In reality, there is still room for more gas; all you have to do now is slow down. If you only press the pump halfway, you will have to wait a little longer for the gas to come out, but more will actually go into your tank.

Get More Gas From The Pump