Riveting Facts About M*A*S*H You Didn’t Know

Published on 10/11/2018

No Laugh Track, Please

When the show was first being created, the CBS insisted on a laugh track, making it mandatory. Despite the actors and producers being against it, the network still enforced it. Although the show was a funny one, a laugh track didn’t seem so fitting during a war. Back then, shows had live audiences, and the CBS thought the laugh track should be added since the viewers might not have realized the show was a comedy. Nowadays you can purchase the DVD version of the show, where you have the option to turn off the laugh track.

A Laughing Matter

No Laugh Track, Please


Diversity At Its Finest

Seeing as Hollywood didn’t have many Korean actors back in the day, the producers ended up hiring actors of Asian descent to play Koreans. Even though most of them weren’t actually Korean, they all portrayed Koreans. With a Chinese-American, two Japanese-Americans, and only one Korean, this can give a little insight into how diverse Hollywood was back in those days. Even today there aren’t many recognized Korean actors in Hollywood.

One Korean

Diversity At Its Finest