Riveting Facts About M*A*S*H You Didn’t Know

Published on 10/11/2018

Rejected Episode

During the show’s run, CBS rejected one episode: it spoke of a story about the soldiers standing outside a bid to get sick enough to be sent home to the US. Author James Wittebols wrote in Watching MASH, Watching America, “Such an anti-military event was deemed too unpatriotic for mass audiences”. This example was the perfect one to show the tensions creators had to face when telling a story about the reality of life during a war. However, they still had to cater to the commercial reality of TV all the while.

Rejected Episode

Rejected Episode


An Autism Advocate

William Christopher, who played Father Mulcahy, is an advocate for people with autism. In fact, his son, Ned, is autistic. William works with the National Autistic Society to raise awareness by public service announcements.  Together with his wife, Barbra, William has written a book about their son, Ned, in the 1980s, named Mixed Blessings.

An Autism Advocate

An Autism Advocate