What Could Be The Reason Why Scientists Decided To Seal Up Earth’s Deepest Hole?

Published on 08/11/2021

The Race To The Center

As you are aware, the race to reach Earth’s center is not done yet. The International Ocean Discovery Program has platforms that still explore what is beneath the seabed in the seas. They handle severe temperatures and fail to see what secrets they have.

The Race To The Center

The Race To The Center


Below The Water

They also go underneath the sea, though, to accomplish something besides the mantle. One item, a two-man immersion, plunged literally into the unknown when on an exploration expedition in the Antarctic. The team members wanted to dive deeper than anybody else beneath the water near the South Pole. Down there, what have they found? Well, let’s just say they had a peek of a universe no one has ever seen before.

Below The Water

Below The Water