Old habits die hard, as ex-military will know once they re-enter civilian life. You can get take the soldier out of the military, but you can’t take the military out of the soldier. Mannerisms they earned during service will likely show in day-to-day life. If you were ever in service, you will probably find the following points relatable!
Floor = Bed
You will be hard-pressed to find a soldier who is picky with their sleeping arrangements.
Basic training will wipe such concerns off them.
In those days, they will learn to see the floor as their bed, their friend’s shoulder as their pillow. There’s more – they might look like they are sleeping very deeply, but they will still be able to get up in several seconds!

Floor = Bed
Ironing Boss
Soldiers will go the length to fold and iron the uniform they wear. In the military, it is not appropriate to wear a creased uniform. It’s simply not how things are. It is important to look presentable at every given moment.

Ironing Boss