Special Toys That Will Bring You Back To Your Childhood

Published on 02/05/2020


Once sold for $12.50, the View-Master is now worth $430. In 1939 this item was first introduced and could take you to a 3-d world, which was a concept that was hard to comprehend. Although most don’t know this, this item was used on Disneyland rides. We could be reliving in the Jurassic Park adventures with this toy but the question is if we want to spend all our money’s worth on this!

View Master



Power Rangers Toys

We all remember the legends of the power rangers but how much do we remember the toys? These figures flew off the shelves when the show was popular but we’re curious how much this toy earned. This item alone earned over $6 billion, making it an epic business success. It was originally sold for $13, and today collectors are willing to pay $140, probably because of what a hit the show was back in the ’90s. If you’re a lucky owner of the entire you should hold on to that and make sure it doesn’t get into the wrong because you, my friend, have yourself a fortune!

Power Rangers Toys

Power Rangers Toys