Photos That Show Our Brains Will Trick Us Into Freaking Out Over The Simplest Things

Published on 07/29/2019

Got Your Glasses

What on earth…? We bet the person who took this was taking an all-nighter for a test. After hours of slaving away on the laptop, they decided it was time to let their eyes take a break. They shut the laptop for a little and took off their glasses. When they finally recovered a little, they were surprised to find another pair of eyes wearing the glasses already!

Got Your Glasses

Got Your Glasses

They clearly never expected a disembodied pair of eyeballs to look back at them. This has personally never happened to us before. However, there is no need to call the Ghostbusters! Nope, it was merely a reflection of the overhead light.

Black Hole

This person wanted to go to bed after a long and tiring day at work. However, there was something not quite right about the bed. Do we really need to spell it out for you? If it was not obvious enough, take a good look at that gaping black hole right on top of the thick rainbow blanket.

Black Hole

Black Hole

Well, this does not look comfortable at all, no sir. While you might be tempted to jump in for the sake of research, you should first come to your senses. It is only your fluffy cat who is so dark that no light escapes from her fur.