Her Sister Approved Of Him
This one is a doozy! A woman shared that she used to hit the town with her twin all the time. She shared, “One night, we went out to this fun club, and she met this really interesting guy- and they seemed to hit it off. Only one problem- she quickly figured out that he’s related to her ex-boyfriend, and she didn’t want to create problems within their family. Nice of her, I know. Anyway, she comes up to me and tells me the situation. So I sub in, thinking I’ll just occupy the guy for a few minutes, and then move on. Lo and behold, the guy turned out to be a total gem, and we had a ton in common. We ended up hanging out the next day, and it snowballed from there.” They are not together romantically, but the two of them have since become best friends.

Her Sister Approved Of Him
Taking Over For His Brother
On Reddit, WitherBones shared, “Twin brothers, one of them (A) soon to be married, and the other (B) still single, but desperately wanting to settle down. Twin A realizes weeks before the marriage that his real passion is photography, but knows he can’t travel the world and care for his wife and their eventual children. Getting cold feet, he hatches a plan- B can marry his girlfriend instead. They lived nearly identical lives, after all, and had a long history of switching positions. B, never having found someone he loved as much as A’s wife, eagerly accepts the proposition. He can’t believe his luck. So they make the switch, B gets hitched, and a week later, A leaves to live his dream.”
However, that is not the end of the story. The Redditor went on to say, “During the honeymoon, the wife comments on a light scar on B’s leg. ‘How did you get that, dear?’ ‘Uh, an accident when I was younger. A box knife.’ ‘Funny, I never noticed it before.’” Oops.

Taking Over For His Brother