They Still Talk
Despite what has transpired between them, Elin has let the past stay in the past since she prioritizes what’s best for her children. She still talks to Tiger when they meet and is friendly to him. Elin still thinks that Tiger is a great dad to their children, but she had one important condition. Tiger cannot introduce their kids to any of his women unless they are married.

They Still Talk
Tiger Has Found A New Love
It appears that Tiger has moved on as well and found another love in Erica Herman, his new flame. However, until they get married, Erica cannot meet Tiger’s children as per Elin’s condition. Some people feel like Erica got a deal. On one hand, it is indeed difficult to know if Tiger’s girlfriend would get along well with his kids until they have the chance to meet, but some think that it was right for Elin to prioritize what is best for her children.

Tiger Has Found A New Love