Intrigued And Curious
The tunnel actually played a part in the protection of factory workers when the Blitz was going on. Did you know that Liverpool was actually the second most bombed city in the United Kingdom? Despite this, it did not answer the questions about the faces on the walls. Kyle simply could not forget about it, so he started to solve this mystery on his own. He started to trace the faces, but was it a decision that he regretted in the end?

Intrigued And Curious
The Ghostly Figures On The Walls
The faces on the wall would haunt him even in his dreams. Kyle started to run wild with his speculations. He had no leads a year after making the discovery, but it was consuming him. He went to the library to check the old newspapers but found nothing there. We could see why he was thinking of giving up at that point. However, another idea came to him.

Intrigued And Curious