Riveting Facts About M*A*S*H You Didn’t Know

Published on 10/11/2018

Facing Criticism

With every big project, criticism can be tough to handle, and as a result, many people crack under the pressure. In the case of TV shows, harsh critiques can lead the show to go down the wrong path or even fail in drastic cases. Fortunately, with M*A*S*H this wasn’t the case. The show faced criticism for appearing to go against the army. As it turns out, the creators admitted to the critique, explaining the show was specifically anti-incompetency and anti-bureaucracy. The show wasn’t against the army itself.

Anti Army

Facing Criticism


One Set, Two Sets

As with many Hollywood shows, M*A*S*H had more than just one set. It had an outdoor set in the mountains near Malibu in California and an indoor set at Fox Studios which later expanded to include a second outdoor set. Over the course of the series, both sets were used strategically according to which one fit better along with the plotline in each episode.

I Put That On The Set

One Set, Two Sets