Riveting Facts About M*A*S*H You Didn’t Know

Published on 10/11/2018

We Hear Wedding Bells

With Klinger being somewhat of a cross-dresser, there was a wedding dress he wore that was much loved by the fans. As it turns out, this particular wedding dress was worn on three different occasions by three different people. It’s unclear as to why the creators didn’t get another dress, perhaps it was just a way of saving money. The dress was worn on several occasions. When Klinger married Laverne Esposito, when Margret Houlihan when she married Lt. Col. Donald Penobscot, and when Soon Lee when she married Klinger. We sure hope they washed the dress well enough in between each use.

The Dress

We Hear Wedding Bells


It’s A No From The UK

There are times when the success of a show or movie mainly depends on its location. This was true with M*A*S*H. Even though it was a massive success in America, in the UK it did not do so well. Although the show seemed like it would be universal, as it turned out, it only appealed to the American audience. One of the reasons the show did not make it overseas was its laugh track. Although many sitcoms in the US have it, abroad it isn’t so popular, as it can be quite annoying according to the British audience.

The UK Was Not Having It

It’s A No From The UK