Fred Willard, a beloved comedy actor, portrays Frank, Phil’s earnest father, on “Modern Family.” He also happens to be a loving husband and father in real life as well. Back in 1968, Fred married playwright Mary and they have a daughter, Hope Willard. Sadly, at 71 years old, Mary unexpectedly passed away back in July of 2018. The couple was married for five decades.
A former “Cheers” cast member, Shelley Long portrays DeDe Pritchett on “Modern Family.” Dede is Mitchell and Claire’s mother and Jay’s long-suffering ex-wife. Long, in real life, has been married and divorced two times. Her most recent marriage was to Bruce Tyson, a stockbroker. Shelley and Bruce have a daughter, Juliana Long Tyson, who is now 33 years old and is an accomplished actress herself.