On “Modern Family,” Pepper Saltzman (recurring role) is an eccentric wedding planner played by Nathan Lane. Saltzman’s lavish ideas are more often than not a bit too much for Cam and Mitchell to handle. However, in real life, the Broadway legend opted to have a simple wedding. Lane’s partner of 18 years, Devlin Elliot, is a playwright. The couple had a quiet ceremony back in 2015 at New York’s City Hall.
On “Modern Family,” Andy is portrayed by Adam Devine. Andy is Jay and Gloria’s friendly nanny who is kind of a problem romantically for Haley since she has a crush on the nerd because of his good nature and similarities to her dad. Although Andy has similar feelings for Haley too, the timing was always off for them. DeVine’s love life, however, seems to be a bit easygoing. Since 2015, he has been going out with actress Chloe Bridges. The couple met while co-starring in a horror film.
A “clueless” DeVine said in an interview on an Australian radio show back in October 2017 that he hadn’t realized that Chloe might expect he would ask her hand in marriage when he took her on their romantic European vacation.
“I think she was having some grandiose ideas, meanwhile I’m too dumb to pick up on any clues,” he said.