What Could Be The Reason Why Scientists Decided To Seal Up Earth’s Deepest Hole?

Published on 08/11/2021

The Ice Dragonfish

In the Antarctic Ocean, there is another unusual critter. The ice dragonfish is also known as Cryodraco Antarcticus, which has adapted to the harsh weather conditions in an excellent manner. Its blood possesses anti-freezing proteins that protect its body from freezing. The animal also has clean blood because the body doesn’t require hemoglobin to circulate oxygen, just like human beings.

The Ice Dragonfish

The Ice Dragonfish


A Deeper Understanding

Not only did Dr. Copley and the other team members undertake this expedition to take all the unusual creatures in the region. Nevertheless, more excellent knowledge of marine life in water is essential. This allows conservation efforts to be more successfully implemented at the South Pole.

A Deeper Understanding

A Deeper Understanding