What Could Be The Reason Why Scientists Decided To Seal Up Earth’s Deepest Hole?

Published on 08/11/2021

How Our Lives Are Connected

“On these dives, we watched the everyday lives of Antarctic deep-sea animals, helping us to understand them much better than studying specimens collected by nets or trawls from ships,” Dr. Copley shares with the BBC. “And [it’s] helping us to investigate how our own lives are connected to this remote yet fragile environment.” he continued.

How Our Lives Are Connected

How Our Lives Are Connected


Still A Mystery

The fact is that there is always a mystery of the most accessible locations in the ocean. Dr. Copley still hopes the trip will assist to some extent in changing this. Speaking of this, he said, “Sending people a kilometer deep into the ocean around Antarctica for the first time shows that there is no longer any part of our blue planet that is inaccessible to us if we can find the will to go there.”

Still A Mystery

Still A Mystery