Double Trouble: Identical Twins Shared The Worst Switches They Have Ever Pulled Off

Published on 09/07/2020

A Miraculous Recovery

Another Redditor said that he got arthroscopic surgery for a torn labrum. “My mother drove me to therapy three times a week–rough stuff. My arm was a useless vestigial noodle,” he gave the context for the story. “Five weeks after surgery, I was barely strong enough to start raising my arm in front of me, so I hatched one of my more ingenious plans. I send my twin into my therapy. I trained him on how to keep his arm limp, what the personalities and reactions of each therapist are, and what to say. He had my bag, my book, and my phone.”

What happened then? “When he got in, he said he had a new exercise that he wanted to show them. My brother immediately dropped from a standing position onto his hands, and started repping out pushups. Ten pushups later, the therapist was screaming. She begged him to stop, telling him he can’t do that. He said, ‘But I just did. Look, I’m fine,’” he said. “The gears were stuck in her brain. Everyone was staring by then, trying to put these two puzzle pieces together that didn’t seem to fit. Priceless.”

A Miraculous Recovery

A Miraculous Recovery


Shenanigans In Band Class

Next up, we have a twin switch story from Redditor ImGonnaLiveForever. “My brother and I switched places about once a year, growing up. We would have a notecard for every class, which showed which seat to sit in, and the names of people around us. A circle for those to talk to, an X for those that we don’t usually talk to,” he said. “The most fun was band, where I played trumpet, and he played trombone. He was first chair, and it turns out, all the other trombone goobers would just mimic the movements he made. Didn’t go well when I was trying to mimic their movements.” He also talked about something they noticed: “We found girls were much better at spotting the trick than guys. Girls we knew for only a year would notice, and guys we knew our whole lives wouldn’t have a clue.”

Shenanigans In Band Class

Shenanigans In Band Class