Double Trouble: Identical Twins Shared The Worst Switches They Have Ever Pulled Off

Published on 09/07/2020

Not The Right Person

mattmu13, on the other hand, relayed a story about his girlfriend’s mom and her twin sister: “I was staying at my girlfriend’s parents’ house, as she still lived at home, and I got to know them quite well enough that I would walk around in my underwear in the morning when getting breakfast. Her mom had gone out to the shops, and I heard a knock on the front door. I could see it was her mom, and thought she had just forgotten her key. I opened the door in just my underwear to let her in, and she said, ‘Oh, a half-naked man!’, to which I responded with, ‘Could be fully-naked for the right price,’ and then walked with her into the lounge. It was at that moment that I saw my girlfriend’s mom sitting on the couch. “

Not The Right Person

Not The Right Person


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A Redditor called bas1 went to a different college from his brother. He did not tell his friends that his twin was coming to town. “When he came up to visit, he came right to my room, and we switched for about an hour. It was great,” he said, “He said he had an in-depth conversation about the fantasy football league I was in, just using cues he found in the conversation. Nobody had any idea.” He even had a word of advice to other people with twins! “Wanna really mess with a group of people? Pull a good twin switch. The reveal was awesome. He was having dinner in the dining hall with my friends, and I sat down at a nearby table. The looks of disbelief on people’s faces were unbelievable. This one guy kept looking back and forth, speechless. I love being a twin.”

Their Reactions Were Priceless

Their Reactions Were Priceless