A Pair Of Runway Models
One Reddit user, who has since deleted their account, shared, “A couple years back, my sister was working as a fashion model. She’d fly out to New York or London every other week, get paid big bucks, come back home, and repeat. One night, I get a call from my sister around 1 am, and I’d never quite heard her sound like this before. She’s in New York, and is freaking out because she has to be on set the next day (or later that day, I guess) by 6 PM for a runway show. Only problem? She’s sick as a dog, and doesn’t want to miss out on what was by far her then-highest-paying job to date. That one night was worth $9,000.” We can see why she would not want to ditch such a job!
“Somehow I agreed to jump on a plane, and I ended up doing the show in her place. We split the money, and that was that… or so we thought. A week later, her boss watched the footage of the event and somehow figured out what we did- and asked to do his next show together. So we did. After my graduation, we started doing this regularly, and ended up doing four more runway shows together.” How amazing is it that they turned it into a career instead?

A Pair Of Runway Models
Not Just Two But Three
You can pull off a lot of pranks when you are a twin, but it turns out that this number goes up even more when you are a triplet! A Redditor with the username Thediepend said, “My brothers and I did the trifecta switch in high school. It was for no particular reason. I didn’t need my mathematically-inclined brother to take my calculus exam or anything. We just wanted to see if all three of us could do the switch with no insiders involved, and we also wanted to see if we could not get caught. We ended up switching classes the whole day–six periods’ worth of lies. And we freaking did it. Fellow students knew, but they did an amazing job with playing along. It was a touching moment. And our triplet superpowers only got stronger after that.”

Not Just Two But Three