Double Trouble: Identical Twins Shared The Worst Switches They Have Ever Pulled Off

Published on 09/07/2020

How To Get Out Of Trouble

Let us hear the story shared by lkmhn on Reddit: “In college, I emailed my professor, saying that I would be missing a three-hour night class because of the flu (Halloween parties). I walked across campus halfway through the class, thinking it was clear. Nope. The professor let the class out early for Halloween campus events, and he saw me walking to said parties. Afterward, he emailed me, calling me out for skipping class. This was the best professor I had in college, and I had to take more classes with him for my major.” Uh-oh.

“So I rolled the dice, and told him that I was truly home all night, and that he must have seen my twin brother on campus. I told him I thought he knew I had a twin who had a different major, because of previous classes,” he went on. “Then I provided him with a link to the track and field roster website to prove I had a twin who looked like me. The next week in class, he apologized to the entire class about how he messed up and wrongly called me out for skipping.” Whew! We are glad that his plan worked.

How To Get Out Of Trouble

How To Get Out Of Trouble


Their Mom Gave Them Away

There are times when your mom will give you away. “At school, me and my sister were in separate classes for a couple of years. The teachers could not tell us apart, so mom thought of a way to make it easier for everyone, students and teachers alike. She put me in black shoes and my sister in brown so that they could tell us apart,” shared AcornathteUnicorn in the same Reddit thread. She said, “And it worked like a charm. Now, I wasn’t very good at English, and she at Math, and those classes were at the same time, so we swapped shoes and went to each other’s classes. We only got caught because mom came to pick my sister up for an appointment, and walked into the class, very startled to find me in it.”

Their Mom Gave Them Away

Their Mom Gave Them Away