Double Trouble: Identical Twins Shared The Worst Switches They Have Ever Pulled Off

Published on 09/07/2020

Her Twin Was Her Wing Woman

Here is another case of a person who met their spouse through their twin. A person using the Reddit handle libertineid said, “I had been pining away for this guy. Both my mother and my sister had met him, and kept joking about how they had found “the one” for me. My sister, being a lesbian, befriended him at our favorite coffee shop. They had collaborated on crosswords a few times, and one day, he walked in while I was reading by myself. He came over and started chatting with me.” She was smitten right away, but it was clear that he mistook her for her sister. She went on, “I realized he thought I was my twin, and played along. About half an hour later, he realized he’d been tricked. Still, it worked.” Good for her!

Her Twin Was Her Wing Woman

Her Twin Was Her Wing Woman


They Even Set The Curve

“My twin sister and I swapped places for a final exam when we were seniors in high school. The night before my chemistry exam, my sister asks me to go to a party with her. I tell her that I need to study. She ends up persuading me to join her, by promising that she would prep me for the test since she had already taken it, and knew all the answers,” Redditor reddit_twin shared on the thread. They returned home late, so she started to freak out about her test!

The netizen went on, “She responds, “I’m sorry about the late night, but what exactly do you want me to do… take it for you?” I think for a second, and reply, “Wow, that’s not a bad idea.” It turns out she had a history exam at the same time as my chemistry test, so we end up switching places. The next morning, she puts on my clothes, and I put on hers. 15 minutes before the exams, we go around asking our closest friends who we were. Everyone we asked were fooled, so we felt pretty confident going through with it.” But did they do as well as they expected? “Long story short, she ends up setting the curve. Needless to say, there were a lot of unhappy classmates.”

They Even Set The Curve

They Even Set The Curve