Double Trouble: Identical Twins Shared The Worst Switches They Have Ever Pulled Off

Published on 09/07/2020

Not Her Fault

When you live in a small town, you assume that everyone already knows that you are a twin. Redditor shockergd shared, “One day while working my job at Walmart, I hear, ‘I hate you!’ I look around and see a girl who used to go to my church, and she says, ‘You never told me you were a twin!’ My response was something along the lines of, ‘I didn’t think about it, because I assume everyone knows.’”

But what made her friend act like that? “Well, long story short: the girl managed to hold a 45-minute conversation with my sister while my sister had her nails done. The entire time, my sister talked to the girl like I would, and the girl assumed it was me. It wasn’t until she said something about someone I know but my sister didn’t that the girl realized she had spent nearly an hour talking to the wrong twin. She was totally embarrassed about it, and continues to hold it against me.” Well, we would too!

Not Her Fault

Not Her Fault


Racing Them To The Pub

This pair of brothers attended different colleges and did not tell their friends that they were twins. A Reddit user called lawebley shared that one day, people called him by his brother’s name and invited him to go to a pub. Knowing that his twin was already there, he dared them to race to the pub. The winner is going to get free drinks! He recounted, “They agreed, and ran off at top speed while I stood there, casually checking my watch, and buffing my fingernails on my lapel, only for them to arrive exhausted, and find “me” standing at the bar, drink already in hand. I know it’s not exactly an achievement, but it was a fun twin moment that I won’t soon forget.” How awesome is that? We would probably pull off the same stunt if we had an identical twin of our own!

Racing Them To The Pub

Racing Them To The Pub