Double Trouble: Identical Twins Shared The Worst Switches They Have Ever Pulled Off

Published on 09/07/2020

He Was Not Wearing A Wig

It can be hard to go to the same school as your twin. Redditor CreepyDragon had an identical twin but sported long hair as opposed to his brother’s short hair. “Early on in our first semester, a friend of mine from class that had never met my brother saw him for the first time walking around campus. He wanted to say, ‘Wow, nice haircut,’ but he decided not to approach him because we weren’t that close yet. The next day, he saw me again in class, and almost had a heart attack when he saw my hair. He actually approached me to ask if I was wearing a wig. Turns out, this happened to a lot of people during the first few months of school, but they were too embarrassed to tell me at the time.” And here we thought that looking different would clear up issues like this!

He Was Not Wearing A Wig

He Was Not Wearing A Wig


Calling Out The Imposter

A Redditor called cordial_carbonara shared a story that took place at a graduation ceremony. “I went to school with twins, and they graduated as the salutatorian and third in our class. They switched places at the graduation ceremony, and in the middle of salutatorian speech, the real salutatorian stood up and screamed, “Imposter!” I was already cracking up, because I was seated next to them, and was the only person that noticed, having been friends with them since kindergarten,” she said before saying, “When that happened, I freaking lost it. The superintendent was not amused with them, or me (I was still laughing when it came time to give my speech). And that was just the culmination of their high school antics. We had some good times coming up with ideas for them to confuse the crap out of teachers.”

Calling Out The Imposter

Calling Out The Imposter