Twins And Magic Tricks
It looks like having an identical twin is always great when it comes to talent shows. This next story says that his friend had a twin who did not go to the same school. They shared, “He proceeded to do a magic trick, in which he would escape being tied up, and put into a black box. The lovely assistant tied him up with ropes, chains, and padlocks to the point where he couldn’t move at all. He was then placed in the box, and given five minutes to escape. After five minutes, his twin appeared on the balcony above, and everyone lost their minds. It was like Houdini had performed it, himself. No one who wasn’t behind the scenes, or in on the secret, knew that it really took him 30 minutes with help to actually get out of the chains afterward. I hope they do it again someday.”

Twins And Magic Tricks
The Poor Cat Was Traumatized
Redditor idiosyncrasy narrated what happened during a visit to her sister, “She’s got four cats, three of which are kittens from the same litter. They’re all varying levels of people-shy, but one cat, Moby, is the shyest. One day while we were watching a movie, I sat on her couch with a throw blanket over my legs, and she sat on the loveseat. We’re watching this movie, and Moby jumps up on the couch, and snuggles in on my blanketed legs, and dozes off. He stays there for about an hour.
She went on, “Later, my sister laughs, and Moby hears her and looks over. He does a classic double-take. You can just see his cat thought balloon say, ‘What!’ He jumps up super fast and stares directly into my face with this horrified, confused cat expression. Then he runs off and hides under the dryer, all traumatized by his accidental snuggling with the wrong twin. He still runs off when he hears me.” Aww.

The Poor Cat Was Traumatized