Their Own Share Of Troubles
At the time, the lovebirds were having their own share of marital problems. Elin might have realized that her reaction was a bit much, but her action had proven that it’s never wise to cheat on a woman. Although it is true that Tiger could have suffered a much worse condition, but he should have never fled from his wife. He should have manned up and faced the situation. Things need to be said, or was he waiting for someone else to do it?

Their Own Share Of Troubles
Money Helps In Keeping Secrets
As soon as word of the incident came out in the public, Rachel Uchitel wanted to tell her own side of the story. However, a day before her schedule to appear in front of the media, she backed out from the whole thing. It was later on revealed that she received $10,000 from Tiger in exchange for keeping her silence. Unfortunately, Tiger did not do the same thing for all his other affairs and more than 15 women claimed that they had sex with Tiger Woods for money.

Money Helps In Keeping Secrets