These Must Be The Most Hilarious Yard Signs To Have Ever Existed!

Published on 07/22/2020

Keep Off The Grass

Whenever you see a ‘keep off the grass’ sign, you’re most likely standing in front of a lush, green, freshly-cut lawn. But, that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, the owner of the sign has more of a sense of humor than they get credit for, like this one. We don’t mean to judge, but there doesn’t seem to be enough grass to warrant a sign in the first place if you ask us. Still, it’s really fun to look at.

Keep Off The Grass

Keep Off The Grass


No Exchanges Or Returns

Most people put up signs advertising things like yard sales or cars for sale. However, this is the first time we’ve ever seen someone put up a sign advertising the sale of their husband. It’s classic boomer humor, but all the same, it’s funny. We can’t help but wonder what caused this in the first place – we don’t know if we’d want to buy someone’s husband if she’s giving him away. He must have done something awful!

No Exchanges Or Returns

No Exchanges Or Returns