These Must Be The Most Hilarious Yard Signs To Have Ever Existed!

Published on 07/22/2020

The Real Candidate

There’s nothing like a good meme to laugh at. So, when someone turned this already incredible meme into a Presidental lawn sign, we couldn’t get enough of it. One thing is for sure – we would definitely vote for Keyboard Cat for president. All we want to know now is who he’d choose to be vice president. It’s a serious decision to make, after all. Whoever put up this sign on their lawn should get some kind of award.

The Real Candidate

The Real Candidate


An Eye For An Eye

We can say with certainty that there’s nothing worse than stepping on dog poop on your own lawn. It’s something that can’t be forgiven, so we understand this couple that took some measures to prevent such a thing from happening in the first place. However, we do have questions. When they say they’ll send their grandson to retaliate, do they mean a human child? A grown man? We need to know!

An Eye For An Eye

An Eye For An Eye