40+ Jaw-Dropping Photographs You Must See!

Published on 05/25/2023

Man On The Moon

The small depression in which Buzz Aldrin stood on the evening of July 20, 1969, is still there somewhere in the Sea of Tranquillity; it is one of the billions of pits, craters, and pockmarks on the moon’s ancient surface. However, it is possible that the astronaut has left an even more permanent mark.

Man On The Moon

Man On The Moon


The Beatles

Harry Benson had no interest in conversing with the Fab Four. When he was given the assignment to photograph the musicians in Paris, the photographer, who was born in Glasgow, had intended to cover a news story in Africa instead. He laughed and said, “I took myself to be a serious journalist, and I didn’t want to cover a rock ‘n’ roll story.” Benson, however, had no desire to leave after meeting the boys from Liverpool and hearing them play once he had done so.

The Beatles

The Beatles